Hi, I'm Michael Clayton.
- I'm currently a software engineer at Red Hat, working primarily on the Red Hat Customer Portal, and have been working in the field since 2004.
- These days I'm writing lots of Rust these days and loving it.
- I build a lot of Web Components for the PatternFly Elements project.
- I co-founded Scripta Games with Jared Sprague, where we build video-games.
- I co-host Open Jam, an annual game jam with open-source roots.
- I enjoy building art installations and other colorful things.
Here are the kinds of software I like to use, and to build:
- I like fast software and I dislike slow software.
- I like software that respects the user's freedom, privacy, and time.
- I love open-source software, though I do have a soft spot for independent proprietary software makers like LightBurn.