A simple priority queue for co.
In your project folder, type:
npm install co-priority-queue
Queue with one consumer:
var co = require('co');
var Queue = require('co-priority-queue');
co(function *(){
var queue = new Queue;
queue.push('a', 1);
queue.push('b', 2);
queue.push('c', 2);
console.log(yield queue.next());
console.log(yield queue.next());
console.log(yield queue.next());
The output is:
Queue with multiple consumers:
var co = require('co');
var Queue = require('co-priority-queue');
co(function *(){
queue.push('a', 1);
queue.push('b', 2);
queue.push('c', 2);
var consumers = [queue.next(), queue.next(), queue.next()];
console.log(yield consumers);
The output is:
['b', 'c', 'a']
Create a new priority queue.
Add data
into the queue with the specified priority
Return the data with the highest priority. If the queue is empty, waits until a new data is added.
API and implementation heavily inspired from co-queue created by Julian Gruber. Thanks to him.
co-priority-queue is distributed under the MIT license.