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My Vim Files


All plugins are enabled via vundle.

To install:

bash -x bin/ bash -x bin/

It will replace ~/.vimrc with a symbolic link to vimrc Files and ~/.vim/ dir with a symbolic link to dot.vim/ dir.


Main .vimrc is the shortest possible: just enough to find my settings and setup VimPlug.

I have 2 type of settings: 1. the ones for Vim itself, 2. the others specific to the plugins installed.

  +- dot.vim/               # my hand-made stuff
  |   +- autoload           # bootstrap stuff
  |   +- colors             # standalone theme files
  |   +- help               # standalone help files
  |   +- syntax             # standalone syntax files
  |   +- plugin            
  |       +- mv-vim         # my system settings
  |       +- ftype          # my ftypes
  |       +- config         # my config for native Vim plugins
  |       +- extras         # standalone scripts
  +- vim-plug.d/            # plugins via vim-plug.d
  |   +- bundle             # installed plugins
  |   +- config             # my plugins config
  +- bin/                   # bash stuff
      +-  # calls VimPlug install in commandline
      +-   # overwrites ~/.vim

Inside .vimrc all files from dot.vim/ are loaded via the command runtime. This will also trigger autoload/plug.vim and make VimPLug commands available.

After that, a second source command will execute the script that loads all VimPLug plugins by file name.

To check what scripts were loaded:

# in the shell
$ gvim --startuptime vim.time.txt

# inside vim
:Scriptnames   " if you have vim-scriptease installed


Some plugins do need python and lua enabled in MacVim. If you are using homebrew:

brew install macvim --with-lua --with-python3 --with-cscope

Or check for those with

# in the shell
$ vim --version

# inside vim


Major keytrokes used:

\       :
,sp     split below
,vsp    split right
,spt    split to new tab
,rnu    toogle relative number

,ace    Acp enable
,acd    Acp disable

,be     bufexplorer: in-place
,bs     bufexplorer: above
,bv     bufexplorer: right

,ff     Toggle - CtrlP File
,fr     Toggle - CtrlP Root
,f.     Toggle - CtrlP ../
,fb     Toggle - CtrlP Buffer
,fw     Toggle - CtrlP CWD
,cc     Toggle - CtrlP Clear Cache
,ca     Toggle - CtrlP Clear All Caches

,ext    netrw: TabExplore
,exl    netrw: LeftExplore

# vim-commentary
        comment/uncomment by selection - vim-commentary
        comment/uncomment by motion - vim-commentary
        comment/uncomment by count  - vim-commentary
        comment/uncomment adjancent unit - vim-commentary

{count}<C-A> / {count}<C-X>
        increase/decrease date - vim-speeddating

# vim-unimpaired
[f      previous file in dir - TPope's Unimpaired
]f      next     file in dir - TPope's Unimpaired

[b      previous buffer
]b      next     buffer

[n      previous diff mark
]n      next     diff mark

[e      current text line above
]e      current text line below
[Space  insert blank line above
]Space  insert blank line below

[xx  ]xx  encode/decode XML
[uu  ]uu  encode/decode URL
[yy  ]yy  encode/decode C String

# vim-enuch
:Mkdir     Create a directory, defaulting to the parent of the current file.
:Move      Rename a buffer and the file on disk simultaneously.
:Remove    Delete a buffer and the file on disk simultaneously.
:Rename    Like :Move, but relative to the current file's containing directory.
:Unlink    Like :Remove, but keeps the now empty buffer.
:Chmod     Change the permissions of the current file.

# vim-obsession
:Obsess[!] Save my current session. `vim -S` to restore.









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