- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)
- M.E. Software Defined Networking (2014 - Present)
- B.E. Communication Engineering GPA: 3.5/4 (2010 - 2014)
- Book: “Refactoring Network: Architecture and Implementation of SDN”, Cheng Li, Zewei Yang (On typesetting)
- Paper: “OXP: An Efficient Protocol for Scaling SDN-based Ad Hoc Network” (Accepted by IJRA, SCI)
- Patent: “A control system, method and apparatus for SDN ” ( CN105245593A)
Chief Technology and Architecture Office of CISCO——OSDNA (2016.8 - Present)
- Scan physical and virtual network elements in OpenStack environment including host, OVS and VM.
- Store network topology data into MongoDB for visualizing and Troubleshooting.
China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT(CATR)——OTN extension of OpenFlow1.0,Load Balancing Application. (2013.7 - 2014.1)
- Complete encapsulation of OpenFlow1.0 data structure, and add OTN extended bytes
- Develop an original Controller Miracle which supports IP and OTN
- Achieve load balance between IP network and OTN on testbed built by Miracle, Mininet, and Sprient Testcenter
China Future Network Valley•Future Networks Innovation Institute —— Research of SDN Controller(2014.3 - 2014-9)
- Complete the 16th chapter "Development of Micro-Controller:Miracle" of 《SDN Core Principles and Application Pratice》
- Complete an outstanding dissertation for bachelor's degree:"Research of SDN controller and Development of Micro-Controller"(TOP1%)
- Study and Research OpenDayLight
Design and Implement Open eXchange Protocol of SDN Controller(2015.3 - 2015.9)
- Study scalability proposes of SDN control plane, and propose Open eXchange Protocol
- Design the Open eXchange Protocol, and implement it on SDN controller: Ryu
- Based on the coordination of multiple controllers, achieve the shortest forwarding cross multi-domains
Load Balancing on Fattree Topology Based on OpenFlow(2015.1 - 2015.2)
- Implement two extension functions of traffic design: Random and Probability Stride
- Implement load balance application based on DLB(Dynamic Load Balancing) algorithm in Fattree topology
- Evaluate the average bandwidth ratio of different algorithms
Load Balance Based on Multipath(2014.9 - 2014.10)
- Implement ARP proxy to avoid storm
- Implement QoS via queue to provide customized service
- Achieve load balancing application based on multipath by select group table
HTTP Acceleration Application Based on VLAN(2013.3 - 2013.5)
- Build the test platform by RYU/POX + OpenvSwitch + Nginx to accelerate the speed of HTTP traffic
- Achieve the customized service provider, and support switching of VLAN
- “Winning Prize” of National University Software Defined Networking Competition (2015)
- "Honorable Mention" of ICM ( The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling)of American university students(2013)
- "Outstanding dissertation for bachelor's degree" of BUPT:"Research of SDN controller and Development of Micro-Controller"(TOP1%)
- "The Second Prize" of "Challenge Cup" Capital university student extracurricular academic science and technology work competition
- "The Second Prize in final" & "The Best Pronounciation Award" of 2012 CCTV “Star of Outlook English talent competition”(Drama)of Beijing
- "The Second university scholarship" of BUPT for three times.(Top:47/593/7.9%)
- "Excellent manager" & "Outstanding volunteer" of "Hainan “Beautiful Minds” college students volunteer teachers association.(
- Familiar with TCP/IP, OpenFlow (3 years), SDN (3 years), Docker (2 months)
- Programming language: Python (3 years), Java (6 months)
- System: Linux (Familiar with Ubuntu)
- Languages:
- Major: Chinese
- Second: English (CET-6)
Hainan “Beautiful Minds” college students volunteer teachers association(2011-2013)
- Founder and minister of ISG (Issue Service Group), minister of Public Relations and the minister of Research center.
- Leader of “CHENGMAI” detachment for an year, and organized the flowing activities:
- Volunteer teaching in summer.
- Share meeting of College entrance examination in winter.
- Book donation
Minister of Public Relations of “Student Association Union of BUPT ” (2011)
Outstanding volunteer of Baidu Technology Innovation Conference(2013) Leader of photography group(2013)
- BUPT Baidu club member. BUPT IEEE official club member.(2012-2013)
- Volunteer of the first IWS(International Wireless Symposium ),and responsible for the booth of BUPT(2013)
- Programming
- Improvisational theater
- Basketball
- Photography
大学本科 (2010.9~2014.6)& 硕士研究生(2014.9至今)
北京邮电大学 信息与通信工程学院 通信工程
- 书籍:《重构网络:SDN架构与实现》——李呈、杨泽卫(出版社编辑定稿过程中)
- 论文:OXP: An Efficient Protocol for Scaling SDN-based Ad Hoc Network--IJRA(SCI检索,已录用)
- 专利:一种软件定义网络SDN的控制系统、方法及装置(CN 105245593 A)
Cisco美国总部·Chief Technology and Architecture Office ——OSDNA (2016.8 - 至今)
- 探测发现OpenStack中虚拟网络的拓扑等信息,实现网络信息可视化
- 基于网络信息,对网络信息进行分析,提供OpenStack网络保障方案
工信部•电信研究院•通信标准所 ——OpenFlow的OTN扩展,负载均衡应用 (2013.7 - 2014.1)
- 完成Openflow1.0所有报文静态库封装,添加OTN扩展字段
- 原创开发实现OTN与IP网络兼容的Miracle
- 搭建Miracle+Mininet+Sprient Testcenter实验测试平台,测试并验证新协议的可行性
- 实现流量在IP网与OTN之间的负载均衡应用
中国无线谷(未来网络谷) ————控制器相关学习与研究(2014.3 - 2014-9)
- 完成SDN书籍《软件定义网络核心原理与应用实践》第16章“微控制器Miracle开发实践”
- 完成毕业设计《SDN控制器研究与微控制器开发》,并获得北京邮电大学优秀毕业论文(TOP1%)
- OpenDayLight学习与研究
SDN控制器协同合作接口协议OXP的设计与实现(2015.3 - 2015.9)
- 调研现有控制平面可拓展性实现方案,提出Open eXchange Protocol(OXP)
- 设计OXP协议, 并基于Ryu控制器和ONOS实现OXP协议栈
- 完成基于OXP协议的分级分域多控制协同工作,实现跨域最优路径转发演示应用
基于OpenFlow的负载均衡算法(2015.1 - 2015.2)
- 搭建Fattree拓扑,在Mininet中拓展两种流量测试模型:随机模型、概率模型
- 实现DLB(Dynamic Load Balancing)算法,并完成基于该算法的负载均衡应用
- 对比评价不同算法下的网络带宽利用率
基于Group Table实现负载均衡(2014.9 - 2014.10)
- 部署ARP代理回复ARP请求,并解除环路ARP广播风暴
- 使用队列实现带宽QoS,根据策略提供差异化网络业务
- 基于select类型group table完成多径传输,实现流量负载均衡
面向用户的差异化HTTP流量加速服务(2013.3 - 2013.5)
- 使用RYU/POX+Openvswitch+Nginx,搭建SDN(Software Defined Network)实验环境,现实HTTP流量引导
- 实现不同优先级业务区别对待,vlan切换等功能
- 美国大学生数学建模竞赛ICM ( The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling ) Honorable Mention(二等奖) (2013)
- “挑战杯”学术科技类•全国二等奖(2013)
- 2012年度CCTV“希望之星”英语风采大赛(话剧类)北京赛区•总决赛二等奖第一名,最佳语言奖
- 连续三年获得北京邮电大学•校级奖学金二等奖(三年综合: 47/593),保送工学研究生
- 海南省“美在心灵”大学生支教志愿者协会(支教项目荣获第八届(2010)中国青年志愿者优秀项目奖)优秀管理者,优秀志愿者,香港交流志愿者(2011-2012)
- 编程语言:Python(90%),Java(5%),C/C++(5%)
- 熟悉TCP/IP, OpenFlow协议,网络与交换理论知识扎实
- 熟悉操作系统运行过程,熟悉Linux系统
- CET-6,英文文档阅读能力和演讲能力良好,口语流畅
- 作为自由开发者承接多项SDN开发业务,并开设SDN初级入门疑难解答课程;作为自由供稿者向SDNLAB等门户网站提供技术文章
- 海南省“美在心灵”大学生支教志愿者协会(2011-2013)
- ISG(Issue Service Group)小组创始人兼部长,研究中心负责人
- 公关部部长,完成官方论坛的设计与改版
- 澄迈分队辅导员,香港交流志愿者,分队队长,获优秀管理志愿者称号,组织了以下活动:
- 暑假支教
- 寒假高中交流
- 街头捐书等活动
- 北京邮电大学•百度俱乐部技术部成员。北京邮电大学•IEEE协会技术部成员(2012-2013)
- 北京邮电大学•社团联合会公关部部长,负责赞助合作,培养干事(2011)