Twitter: #100DaysOfHomeLab
Day 001 - onprem Confluence upgrade to 7.18.1 Critical security issue
Day 002 - Updating server via ansible
Day 003 - creating VM and installing + configuring OS for pi-hole
Day 004 - pi-HOLE installed
admin web page
- Day 005 - Backing up wife's computer before re-installation, thanks to Veeam agent
- Day 006 - My new additional storage server will be using BTRFS so time to learn something about it
- Day 007 - Preparing new storage server - 8x8TB HDD + 6x1.6TB Enterprise SSD. 64GB RAM, 2x 10Gbit NI
- Day 008 - Maintenance on old storage server. Added 18TB disk to old storage server. Just to do backup of backups before migration to new storage :) And of course I have another copy in the Cloud (S3 immutable storage).
- Day 009 - I resuscitated physical server at the disaster recovery location. high temperature... faulty air-condition.
- Day 010 - home notebook upgrade - 512GB NVMe for #VMware Workstation VM's and +32GB RAM (64GB Total)
- Day 011 - I spent great day with @vmugcz members discussing not only
- Day 012 - Preparing installation USB (@Windows 11, @ubuntu 22.04, @CentOS 8Stream) for #homelab new physical clients.
- Day 013 - Bring back grafana back to game
- Day 014 - Uptime Kuma implemented
- Day 015 - AWX installed and configured
- Day 016 - Adding more and more servers to the Check MK monitoring
- Day 017 - Upgraded S3 MINIO server in homelab bug fix
- Day 018 - Integrate runner with CI/CD into #homelab GitLab
- Day 019 - Repairing son’s notebook. There was a bad CMOS battery. More than 25 screws.
- Day 020 - Patching and updating firmware, BIOS on my notebook. And also playing with #Terraform
- Day 021 - RaspberryPi based Meteostation back in game (temperature, Wind speed, Wind direction)
- Day 022 - Added temporary server to #homelab to migrate data to new storage server with less impact. As I want to reuse some disks/controllers/10gig NICs.
- Day 023 - (5.7.2022) - I Installed ESXi OS 7.0u3 onto new temporary server and configured networking. Also I configured passthrough PCIe storage controller into VM.
- Day 024 - Transcoding my video files to save space on storage by using Tdarr -
- Day 025 - Moving data to temp. storage (18TB drive) to free up old storage HW. Once done reuse some "old" HW in new storage. #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 026 - Unboxing my new camera Logitech Brio, USB-C hub and solar powerbank VIKING W24W. Looking forward to test it :)
- Day 027 - Helping friend with networking
- Day 028 - Added 2x NVMe into ESXi's hosts (Samsung_SSD_970_EVO_500GB).
- Day 029 - Playing with "Platform 9" = Managed Kubernetes plane. Free plan offers management capabilities up to 3 clusters & 20 nodes. Note: you must provide cluster infrastructure by yourself.
- Day 030 - Patching Tuesday :) so glad that I invest the time to some @ansible automation. The number of servers in #homelab increasing so fast. Time to start thinking about #K8S as the main tool for #homelab services.
- Day 031 - Time for #vCenter upadte 7.0.3f in #homelab
- Day 032 - IPAM @phpipam upgraded to 1.5.0
- Day 033 - Observium
- Day 034 - Build PXE server for booting over the network. For now with just one OS, but more to come :)
- Day 035 - Extending PXE boot menu.. CentOS 8 and 9 Stream, Ubuntu 18.04, 22.04 LTS and VMware ESXi 7.x
- Day 036 - Maintenance on wife's computer. She is running out of space again :) As usual clean "Download" folder and move photos to shared drive :)
- Day 037 - Attend @MyVMUG Workshop - #Tanzu Community Edition Training #1 @VMwareTCE with Jeff Butler. Here is his repo:
- Day 038 - Upgrading PiHole - it's soo simple.. just run "sudo pihole -up"
- Day 039 - Emby @embyapp server upgraded to the latest version and purchased Premiere lifetime license.
- Day 040 - Testing my son's new keyboard :) "CZC.Gaming Guardian, Kailh Red" with red linear switches. Looks really good and he likes it, but I prefer brown switches. :) What is your favourite keayboard with which switches?
- Day 041 - vCenter upgrade 7.0.3g Release notes:
- Day 042 - Build my own "Speedtest" web server with LibreSpeed
- Day 043 - Configured Nginx proxy manager to publish local services to the internet with Let's encrypt certificates
- Day 044 - Added 2nd (bakcup) VPN (L2TP server) connection to #homelab over old WIFI internet connection.
- Day 045 - Playing with containers - wordpress (web+mysql)
- Day 046 - Continue playing with containers.. this time with @portainerio
- Day 047 - Labeling time...Labels are ready.. (happy sysadmin day)
- Day 048 - Upgrading all my mikrotik routers/AP from version 6.x to 7.4
- Day 049 - Playing with "Shields IO"
- Day 050 - WSL upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 TLS
- Day 051 - Visual Code in web browser -
Day 052 - Preparing #homelab for NSX-T 4.0 upgrade
Day 053 - GitLab update ASAP from 15.1 to 15.2.2-ee.0.el8
- Day 054 & 055- Created #terraform script to deploy @Azure AKS cluster - source code: Before you apply you can see costs with @infracost
- Day 056 - Working on moving terraform state file of my #homlab AKS cluster from local storage to Azure Storage Account
- Day 057 - Updated Kerio Connect (Mail) server to latest version 9.4.1 patch1
- Day 058 - I just yesterday updated Kerio Connect (mail) server to the version 9.4.1 patch1 and today was released new version 9.4.2 :)
- Day 059 - Added more vCPU to GitLab server and upgraded GitLab runner Ubuntu 20.04.
- Day 060 - Your own self hosted #homelab URL Shortener ->
Day 061 - Preparing VM with CentOS for central logging solution (logs from all Linux VM's) .. most probably GrayLog .. any suggestion of other free logging solution for #homelab?
Day 062 & 063 - I was working on installing GrayLog. Of course there were some issues "elasticsearch.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'." Due to the default restriction on /tmp "noexec" but Java wanted to execute something there.
- Day 064 - Reconfiguring test&dev server in #homelab to send syslog messages to GrayLog
- Day 065 - Team Password manager was released. Time to upgrade.
- Day 066 - Monthly Windows servers patching
- Day 067 - Developed QR code generator. Insipred by this link .
Day 068 & 069 - Patching all the windows 10 clients at home (3 desktop, 5x NTB) + driver updates. Most of the windows clients are ready to upgrade to windows 11. But still not sure if I should do the upgrade.. It's stable/ready enough for trouble free operation?
Day 070 - Upgrading Veeam Backup & Replication upgrade to (20220302) Cumulative Patches - Veeam KB: in P20220302 are only security patches CVE-2022-26500,CVE-2022-26501,CVE-2022-26504,CVE-2022-26503
- Day 071 - Patching all the linux systems in #homelab. Almost 40VM's :)
- Day 072 - Increasing the number of #homelab DNS servers to a total of 4 (2 in another location)
- Day 073 - Uptime Kuma upgrated to the latest version 1.17.1 from version 1.11.3 and added new features like "TLS certificate expiry" more in release notes: https://
- Day 074 - Upgrading GitLab to the latest version 15.3.1-ee.0.el8 #100DaysOfHomeLab
Day 075 - Updating Team Password Manager to the latest version 11.141.247. More info:
Day 076 - Harbor registry @project_harbor installed on top of the photon @vmwarephoton VM in my #homelab. #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 077 - Upgrading VMware NSX-T 3.2 to NSX 4.0 on top of the #homelab vSphere 7.0.3. More info: I plan also to do a fresh install :) #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 078 - Continue with upgrading to NSX 4.0. Edges and ESXi hosts are upgraded. Last one is NSX Manager
- Day 079 - Upgrade to @vmwarensx 4.0 completed. Exploring new features .. especially IPv6
- Day 080 - To save electricity in #homelab. Testing #vSphere power management DPM. #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 081 - Testing "starship" cross-shell prompt nice to see git repo name and branch in the prompt :) And upgraded Infracost to 0.10.11 #homelab #100DaysOfHomeLab
Day 082 - Testing CODEBEAT -> code quality tool. It's free for open source projects. #100DaysOfHomeLab
Day 083 - I just start testing #homeassistant . And looks like I will keep it :) #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 084 - Giving a chance to Windows 11 at least for a 2 weeks as a VM. We will see how it works. #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 085 - Updating S3 Minio #homelab #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 086 - I am giving a chance for a while to MySQL workbench as a tool for #homelab mysql database administration instead of PhpMyAdmin. #100DaysOfHomeLab
Day 087 - iSCSI troubleshooting between "My friend Windows server -> INETERNET <- TRUENAS" Till yesterday it works. #100DaysOfHomeLab
Day 088,89,90 - Raspberry Pi weekend. Need to prepare 2x Raspberry Pi 3B+, 1x Raspberry Pi Zero W, Raspberry Pi 4. Add cameras on the Raspberry Pi, RetroPi #100DaysOfHomeLab
Day 091 - After preparing Raspberry Pi over weekend. Today I have first photos :) "raspistill -v -o picture.jpg -n -rot 180 -ex night" #100DaysOfHomeLab
Day 092,093 - Deploying and tweeking HasteBin server and client #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 093 - Installed Ubuntu VM and installed Unifi VIDEO NVR server #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 094 - Configuring Unifi Video NVR server and adding camera. #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 095 - Installing Sonarr - as a docker container on top of the #homelab #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 096 - Reconfigured storage server with 2x 10Gbit intel X540 NICs. And added 18TB HDD (total ~66TB HDD + some SSD's) #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 097 - Configured iSCSI target on the storage server for my notebook and for my friend. Both LUN's will be used as backup targets. #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 098 - Created SMB share for my wife's PC backup, on #homelab storage server. #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 099 - Prometheus is ready for monitoring #homelab #100DaysOfHomeLab
- Day 100 - Testing YouTube-dl to download videos from different sites: - Homepage: #100DaysOfHomeLab