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pdftotext -nopgbrk -enc ASCII7 7f8de955-596b-437c-ba40-a68ed754c348.pdf
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before and after the captionfish (line 1273)
or it will get parsed incorrectly -
Extract the word list and definitions into a well formatted tab delimmited file:
./ 7f8de955-596b-437c-ba40-a68ed754c348.txt | awk -F '\t' '{ printf "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4}' > word-list-defs.tsv
(awk adds a 4th column if doesn't exist - to make github TSV parser happy)
Edit anomolies in the parsed tsv file
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to make github's TSV file parser happy. See Word List Definition Edits. -
Generate a TAGL file of the word list and definitions:
./ VOA word-list-defs.tsv > word-list-defs.tagl
Consruct a file of spans of text up to a given part of speech ordered by frequency of occurence. The file is in the format:
freq <tab> span <tab> pos
echo -e "#freq\t#span\t#pos" > pos-spans.tsv && awk -F '\t' '{ print $2 }' word-list-defs.tsv | sort | uniq | while read pos ; do ./ span-pos $pos word-list-defs.tsv ; done | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | sed 's/^ *\([0-9]\+\) \(.*\)/\1\t\2/g' >> pos-spans.tsv
$ diff prev-word-list-defs.tsv word-list-defs.tsv
< a (an) ad. one
< a (an) ad. any
< a (an) ad. each
> #word #pos #definition #example
> a ad. one
> a ad. any
> a ad. each
> an ad. one
> an ad. any
> an ad. each
< available ad. willing to serve or help. There was a list of available candidates.
> available ad. willing to serve or help There was a list of available candidates.
< case (court) n. a legal action
< case (medical) n. an incident of disease There was only one case of chicken pox at the school.
< circle n. a closed shape that has all its points equally distant from the center, like an "O"
> circle n. a closed shape that has all its points equally distant from the center, like an 'O'
< class n. also a social or economic group. They were members of the middle class.
> class n. also a social or economic group They were members of the middle class.
< collapse v. to break down or fail suddenly in strength, health or power. The building collapsed in the earthquake. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament.
> collapse v. to break down or fail suddenly in strength, health or power The building collapsed in the earthquake. The government collapsed after a vote in parliament.
> court case n. a legal action
< discrimination n. unfair treatment or consideration based on opinions about a whole group instead of on the qualities of an individual. He was accused of discrimination against people from other countries.
> discrimination n. unfair treatment or consideration based on opinions about a whole group instead of on the qualities of an individual He was accused of discrimination against people from other countries.
< donate v. to present something as a gift to an organization, country or cause. She donated money to the Red Cross to help survivors of the earthquake.
> donate v. to present something as a gift to an organization, country or cause She donated money to the Red Cross to help survivors of the earthquake.
< double v. to increase two times as much in size, strength or number.
> double v. to increase two times as much in size, strength or number
< generation n. a group of individuals born and living about the same time. The mother and daughter represented two generations.
> generation n. a group of individuals born and living about the same time The mother and daughter represented two generations.
< interest n. money paid for the use "of money borrowed
> interest n. money paid for the use of money borrowed
> medical case n. an incident of disease There was only one case of chicken pox at the school.
< other ad. the remaining one or ones of two or more That man is short
< other ad. the other is tall.")
> other ad. the remaining one or ones of two or more That man is short; the other is tall.
< partner n. a person who takes part in some activity in common with another or others. The two men were business partners.
> partner n. a person who takes part in some activity in common with another or others The two men were business partners.
< predict v. to say what one believes will happen in the future. The weather scientist predicted a cold winter.
> predict v. to say what one believes will happen in the future The weather scientist predicted a cold winter.
< rural ad. describing areas away from cities which may include farms, small towns and unpopulated areas.
> rural ad. describing areas away from cities which may include farms, small towns and unpopulated areas
< seek(ing) v. to search for They are seeking a cure for cancer.
< seek(ing) v. to try to get She is seeking election to public office.
< seek(ing) v. to plan to do Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal.
> seek v. to search for They are seeking a cure for cancer.
> seek v. to try to get She is seeking election to public office.
> seek v. to plan to do Electric power companies are seeking to reduce their use of coal.
> seeking v. to seek
< should v. used with another verb (action word) to show responsibility ("We should study."), probability ("The talks should begin soon."), or that something is believed to be a good idea Criminals should be punished.
> should v. used with another verb (action word) to show responsibility We should study
> should v. used with another verb (action word) to show probability The talks should begin soon.
> should v. that something is believed to be a good idea Criminals should be punished.
< surplus n. extra
< surplus n. ("That country has a trade surplus. It exports more than it imports.")
> surplus n. extra That country has a trade surplus. It exports more than it imports.
< us pro. the form of the word "we" used after a preposition ("He said he would write to us.") or used as an object of a verb They saw us yesterday.
> us pro. the form of the word 'we' used after a preposition He said he would write to us.
> us pro. used as an object of a verb They saw us yesterday.
< processor n. the brain of a computer which carries out software instructions that operate the hardware of the computer and devices attached to it. Also called a CPU or chip.
> processor n. the brain of a computer which carries out software instructions that operate the hardware of the computer and devices attached to it Also called a CPU or chip.
< account n. a record of financial dealings. For example, a bank account is a record of how much money a person or company has in a bank
< bond n. an agreement to pay interest on a loan, generally for a period of years, until the loan is repaid. A bond can be bought or sold.
> account n. a record of financial dealings A bank account is a record of how much money a person or company has in a bank
> bond n. an agreement to pay interest on a loan, generally for a period of years, until the loan is repaid A bond can be bought or sold.
< dividend n. part of a company's earnings that is given to shareholders. Not all stocks pay dividends.
< index n. a way of measuring the value of a group of securities. For example, a stock index measures the value of a group of stocks.
< security n. evidence of ownership that has financial value, such as a stock or bond. Security can also mean a financial contract that has value.
< stock n. a share in ownership of a company. The stock of public companies is traded on stock exchanges.
> dividend n. part of a company's earnings that is given to shareholders Not all stocks pay dividends.
> index n. a way of measuring the value of a group of securities A stock index measures the value of a group of stocks.
> security n. evidence of ownership that has financial value, such as a stock or bond Security can also mean a financial contract that has value.
> stock n. a share in ownership of a company The stock of public companies is traded on stock exchanges.