You may install the module from PowerShell Gallery.
Install-Module -Name CursorPosition
Install-Module -Name CursorPosition -Scope CurrentUser
# for current user only.
# Returns current cursor positionGet-Cursor -List
# Returns the list of saved cursor positionGet-Cursor | Add-Cursor -Name "My favorite Position"
# Returns and Saves Current position with a the name.Get-Cursor | Add-Cursor | Out-Null
# Saves current position, doesn't return anythingGet-Cursor -Id 2
# Returns the position with Id of 2Get-Cursor -Name "My favorite Position"
# Returns the position with the nameSet-Cursor -X 125 -Y 250
# Sets the cursor to (125,250)Get-Cursor -id 2 | Set-Cursor
# Sets the cursor to the position with id of 2Get-Cursor -Name "My favorite Position" | Set-Cursor
# Sets the cursor the positionAdd-Cursor -X 125 -Y 250 -Name "X Button"
# Saves the cursor with the nameRemove-Cursor -id 2
# Removes the position from listRemove-Cursor -All
#Clears the listGet-Cursor -Id 2 | Remove-Cursor
# Removes the position with Id of 2 from the listGet-Cursor -List | Export-Cursor -Path .\ -Name "My Positions"
# Exports the list to a CSV file with the name of "My Positions.csv" in the current directory.Get-Cursor -Name "My Favorite" | Export-Cursor -Path .\ -OpenLocation
# Exports the position with the id of 2 to a CSV file with the name of "Year-Month-Day_Hour-Minute-Secons.csv" in the current location and opens the folder.Import-Cursor -Path ".\My Positions.csv"
# imports positions from list and appends them to the current listImport-Cursor -Path ".\My Positions.csv" -Overwrite
# imports positions from list and overwrites the current lists.
Switch to PSobjects from Classes to make it compatible to Version < 5Find an alternative to "$Script:CursorRepository.Id" as it doesn't work in version < 5- Implement xdotool to make it available in Linux and Mac OS