This is a website for users to create notes, work on them, collaborate with friends(other users).
The site is served here.
made in Django 2.0
requires python 3.x
Note the frontend requires Bootstrap framework 5.x and ReactJs
dropped use of JQuery.
- User can sign up or sign in.
- Users can send, accept or deny connection requests from other users just like facebook friend requests or LinkedIn connections.
- User can create notes in Markdown.
- Users can add their connections to collaborate on notes
- Users receive notifications for comments or replies they're mentioned in, when they get requests, when their requests are accepted and when they are added as collaborators to a note.
- Notes are either private (only the owner can see it), connected (only your connections can see them) and Public (anyone can see them).
- A note being for connected users does not mean others can edit it. It has to be collaborative.
- The comment section is made in ReactJS. The source code of the comment section can be found here.
- You can mention a user in the comment sections using @username for them to receive a notification.
- You can edit and delete your own comments.
- A note user can delete comments they don't like no matter the owner of the comment.
The source code of the comment section can be found here.
Clone the repo
git clone
Install the requirements
pip install requirements.txt
Make migrations
python makemigrations notes python makemigrations account python makemigrations notifications python migrate
Run Local server
python runserver
Using your browser navigate to your local server at port 8000