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Nanoarchitectural ANalysis and Organization (NANO)



Project build is managed using the cmake utility, and requires ITK as a dependency. Make sure both these pre-requisits are satisfied before you start to build this repository. All the instructions below are for a *nix based operating systems. We now list step-by-step process to copy, compile and then run this programme.

Clone this repository

As a first step clone this repo to you local machine as follows.

$ git clone

Prepare for Build

As explained above compilation of this project is handled using cmake. To start the build create a build directory inside the downloaded repository

$ cd NANO
$ mkdir cmake-build

Point the ITK_DIR variable in CMakeLists.txt to appropriate location based on your ITK install. If you installed ITK 5.3 to its default location, then you can set ITK_DIR to something as follows.

$ sed -i '8s/.*/set(ITK_DIR \/usr\/local\/lib\/ITK\/lib\/cmake\/ITK-5.3)/' CMakeLists.txt

Make sure to adjust the path above based on your ITK install location.

Generate Makefiles

Generate the required makefiles using cmake.

$ cd cmake-build
$ cmake ..


Finally, compile the project using the make utility.

$ make -j 4

Depending on the number of cores available to you, instead of 4 you may use a higher number for faster compilation.

Once you complete the build process, an executable called nano should be generated in the cmake-build folder. This is a commandline utility and the main entry point for running various computational pipelines used in [1]. The examples section below demonstrates how to perform some of the computations.


Tools For Astrocyte Analysis:

$ nano -input <input_file_path> <-tool, -module n>  -mode 0


	 path to input file
	 path to output file
	  If present  will run tool modes instead of submodules
	 -module 0 : Computation related to distances  
	 -module 0 -mode 0 : compute inter-psd distances along astrocytic volume
	 -module 0 -mode 1 : compute distance from mitochondria to the astrocytic surface and beyond
 -tool -mode n
	 Stand alone scripts/tools modes. Following tools are available:
	 -tool -mode 0 : Resample input image to isotropic grid (default)


Resample astrocyte volume to an isotropic grid

nano -tool -mode 0 -input <input_file_path>

Distance from mitochondria to astrocyte surface and outside

nano -module 0 -mode 0 -input <input_folder_path>

This step assumes that input_folder_path contains 3D image stacks astrocyte.tif containing the segmented astrocyte and mito.tif containing all the mitochondria inside the astrocyte.

Table of various distance metrics for PSD regions

nano -module 0 -mode 1 <input_folder_path>

Make sure you have already generated various distance function before running this step. (See step above)


If you use any parts of this code, pleas consider citing the associated paper [1]


[1] Salmon, Christopher K., et al. "Organizing Principles of Astrocytic Nanoarchitecture in the Mouse Cerebral Cortex." Current Biology (2023).


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