This project is an update of the project to deploy to AWS ECS from ECR on CircleCI 2.0. This project builds and deploys a "Hello World" Go webapp. It provides an example of how to build and test a Dockerized web application on CircleCI, push the Docker image to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR).
The following environment variables must be set for the project on CircleCI via the project settings page, before the project can be built successfully.
Variable | Description |
Used by the AWS CLI |
Used by the AWS CLI |
Used by the AWS CLI. Example value: "us-east-1" (Please make sure the specified region is supported by the Fargate launch type) |
AWS account id. This information is required for deployment. |
Prefix that some of the required AWS resources are assumed to have in their names. The value should correspond to the AWS ECR repositoy name or aws_resource_prefix variable value in terraform_setup/terraform.tfvars . |
Deepfence management console ip address |
Fail the build if number of vulnerabilities found >= this value. Set -1 to pass regardless of vulnerabilities. |
Fail the build if cumulative CVE score is >= this value. Set -1 to pass regardless of cve score. |