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The React Blog App is one of my biggest and milestone projects. It is a web application that allows users to register, log in, and create blog posts. Users can view, like, comment on, edit, and delete their own posts. This project demonstrates user authentication, CRUD operations, and interactivity with a blog application.
💻 User Authentication (Login/Register):
- Secure user registration and login functionality.
- Password encryption for enhanced security.
- Session management to keep users logged in across visits.
💻 Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) Blog Posts:
- Create new blog posts with a rich text editor.
- View all blog posts with detailed content and metadata.
- Edit existing blog posts to update content.
- Delete blog posts to remove them permanently.
💻 Like and Comment on Blog Posts:
- Users can like blog posts to show appreciation.
- Add comments to blog posts to engage in discussions.
- Real-time updates for likes and comments.
💻 View All Published Blogs:
- Browse all published blog posts in a clean, user-friendly interface.
- Pagination for efficient content navigation.
💻 User-Specific Blog Management:
- Dashboard for users to manage their own blog posts.
- Track the number of likes and comments on their posts.
- Edit and delete their own posts from the dashboard.
💻 Responsive Design:
- Mobile-first design ensures usability on all devices.
- Adaptive layout that works seamlessly on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
- Consistent user experience across different screen sizes.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Redux: A predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- Formik: A library for building forms in React
- Yup: A JavaScript schema builder for value parsing and validation
- Material-UI: A popular React UI framework
- React REST API: Integration with RESTful APIs using React