Log mailer is a program I made to email log files from a server to me so I don't have to manually check logs everytime. It uses GoLang's "net/smtp"
to email.
Prerequisites: Git, Go, SMTP server credentials.
$ git clone https://github.com/muhammadmuzzammil1998/Log-mailer
$ cd Log-mailer
$ go build
$ ./Log-mailer -generate
Location to store configuration file (default: ./configuration.json):
Enter "From" name: Muhammad Muzzammil
Enter "From" email: email@muzzammil.xyz
Enter "To" name: Muhammad Muzzammil
Enter "To" email: muhammadmuzzammil.cs@gmail.com
Enter subject: Error logs from server
Enter SMTP server: smtp.server.lnk
Port: 25
Username: email@muzzammil.xyz
Password: r34lly53cur3p455w0rd
Location of logs: /path/to/logs.log
Interval: 6h
Reset log file? (y/n): y
Configuration file generated: configuration.json.
Input | Description |
Configuration File | A single file to store data. Default is ./configuration.json in current directory. |
"From" data | The author of the message. Used for "From" header |
"To" data | The address of the primary recipient of the message. Used for "To" Header |
"Subject" | What you want the subject to be. Used for "Subject" header. |
SMTP Server | Link to your mail server. |
Port | Port to use for the server. |
Username | Username for SMTP server |
Password | Password for SMTP server |
Location | Location of the log file which is to be emailed |
Interval | The duration in which email is repeated. Valid units are "ns", "us", "ms", "s", "m", "h" . |
Reset logfile | Empties the log file after a successful email. |
"from": {
"name": "Muhammad Muzzammil",
"email": "email@muzzammil.xyz"
"to": {
"name": "Muhammad Muzzammil",
"email": "muhammadmuzzammil.cs@gmail.com"
"subject": "Error logs from server",
"server": "smtp.server.lnk",
"port": "25",
"credentials": {
"user": "email@muzzammil.xyz",
"password": "r34lly53cur3p455w0rd"
"logs": "/path/to/logs.log",
"interval": "6h",
"reset": "true"
type Config struct {
From EmailStruct `json:"from"`
To EmailStruct `json:"to"`
Subject string `json:"subject"`
Server string `json:"server"`
Port string `json:"port"`
Credentials Credentials `json:"credentials"`
Logs string `json:"logs"`
Interval string `json:"interval"`
Reset string `json:"reset"`
type EmailStruct struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Email string `json:"email"`
type Credentials struct {
Username string `json:"user"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Just in case someone doesn't want to do it interactively.
$ .\Log-mailer.exe -generate -empty
Location to store configuration file (default: ./configuration.json): configuration_template.json
Empty configuration file generated: configuration_template.json.
$ ./Log-mailer
$ ./Log-mailer -conf [filename]
You can start it as different background processes with -conf
flag and different configurations for multiple log files.
Usage of ./Log-mailer:
-conf string
Configuration file to load. (default "configuration.json")
Generate an empty configuration file. Use with -generate.
Generate configuration file interactively.