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White Chapel Password Auditing Framework

This project is meant to be run internally, since I haven't really seen any open source projects that do all the things I think a password auditing framework should do I'm creating my own. Here are the features that I intend to have: (Please feel free to create bug reports or feature requests outside of the items stipulated here)

  1. Search for hashes quickly
  2. Upload password dumps for cracking hashes
  3. Upload hash lists for cracking
  4. Generate hash tables for all popular hash types based on searched password, uploaded dictionaries, and cracked hashes


Elastic Search

WhiteChapel requires you to have ElasticSearch running.

You can download it here:

Once you have it downloaded, if you are using the tar, just 'cd' into the bin directory and do a ./elasticsearch -f to start elastic search up.

Elastic Search doesn't have to run on the same machine as you are running WhiteChapel. Just make a config file called 'elastic.conf' copying the example provided (elastic-example.conf) with the URL. Usually if you are running ES locally.

Elastic Search has custering built into it and running another elastic search server on another system in the same broadcast area will automatically join the cluster and decrease the load.

Elastic Search on OSX

Thanks to @mandreko here is how you install ES on OSX w/ Brew:

brew install elasticsearch

Then to get it to launch at startup:

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.elasticsearch.plist

Redis Server for Queue management

You can download it here:

Most package managers (apt-get/yum/OSX ports/brew) have redis server as a package and it's really easy to get set up. There is also as Redis IP/PORT configuation in the Rakefile if you want to run Redis on another server.

This makes it seemless to upload dictionaries worth of passwords and have the server not flinch at 100MB files (obviously the upload might take a minute but the DB will process it VERY fast)

You can have more than one queue (redis) server if you want as pretty much every action is compartmentalized.


Starting workers

You can start additional "workers" to handle the password import processing (usually only an issue when importing big wordlists) by issusing the following command

TERM_CHILD=1 QUEUE='*' rake resque:work

from inside the WhiteChapel directory.

You can also start multiple workers at once as so:

COUNT=25 TERM_CHILD=1 QUEUE='*' rake resque:workers


  • foreman start

Importing Dictionaries from the Command Line

For most cases file upload via the web interface is adding a hurdle (HTTP upload) that doesn't need to be there. So running the ruby file "dictionaryimport_cli.rb" from whithin the WhiteChapel directory will directly import the wordlist into the password processing queue.

./dictionaryimport_cli.rb /path/to/wordlist/rockyou.txt

Should simply output how many lines it imported when it's done.

Todo List::

  • See the file: todo.list or Github issues


It's all kinds of fun using a ton of different tools to crack passwords, and then having to sort and go through and maintain or delete them... right?

This project will hopefully be a very modular front end to cracking passwords. The idea is you tell it a tool to use and how to use it, and what to expect in results. The the overlying framework should swallow that up and allow you to upload / crack and manage passwords, hashs, and dictionary collections. Allowing you to look back historically at what was cracked, and with what tool, resend a group through the engines again have as many engines as you want etc... Giving you more time to concentrate on using the passwords instead of figuring out the tools to break them.

If I can keep the idea as scalable as possible, I think it would fit really well plugged into any pentester/red teamer/ or firm's toolkit

::crossed fingers::

Also, I picked the name based on where Jack the Ripper was performing his murders... seems a bit dark now that I think about it, but oh well...

Blame Section


password cracking front end






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