Run bitcoind with tor on Docker.
- The base image is mu373/docker-bitcoind-image
- This is a fork of kylemanna/docker-bitcoind with tor preinstalled.
- Works well with mempool running in separate containers: mu373/docker-mempool.
Prepare configuration for bitcoind
cp docker-compose-template.yml docker-compose.yml
cp bitcoin.sample.conf bitcoin.conf
vim bitcoin.conf # Edit the configuration to fit your needs
# If you want to customize tor configs
cp torrc.d/custom-config torrc.d/my-custom-config
vim torrc.d/my-custom-config
Start the container
docker compose up -d
Access the shell inside the container
# In host
docker ps # Check container id
docker exec -it container_id bash
# In the container
$ bitcoin-cli -netinfo 4 # Check that there is successful onion connection
See logs
docker logs --tail 100 container_id