This repo shows a basic example of using Cypress and Docker Compose to create simple end-to-end tests for any web application. This example uses a Go application, but you can reuse the pattern in this repository for any web application that can run in Docker.
For more information, see the blog post, "Easy End-to-End Testing with Cypress."
The example application is called Sentimentalyzer, a very rudimentary text sentiment analyzer. To run it, enter the following commands:
docker build --tag sentimentalyzer .
docker run \
--interactive \
--tty \
--env PORT=8123 \
--publish 8123:8123 \
The app will be running on localhost:8123.
To execute the end-to-end tests for Sentimentalyzer, enter the following commands:
cd e2e
docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from cypress
When the command completes, you will see test output on the console and a video of the test run will appear in the folder e2e/cypress/integration/videos
This repo contains several branches to demonstrate different Cypress scenarios: