Update for the OLS-6 graduation:
Extra materials:
- You can check the template for summaries on mental health of researchers in different countries https://zenodo.org/record/7288764#.Y8lXCE6ZO3A
- Follow ReMO on Linkedin to be informed about webinars and events https://www.linkedin.com/in/remo-cost-action/
- Watch previous talks on ReMO channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk2Bbj2eVm-AixJHOU_8jqQ
- Visit ReMO crowd-sourced library of publications on mental health of researchers - read and add yours https://www.zotero.org/groups/2521493/researcher_mental_health/library
- Visit the repository for talks and reports by ReMO https://zenodo.org/communities/remo/?page=1&size=20
- Read the Manifesto for Researcher Mental Health in different languages https://zenodo.org/record/5788557#.Y8lPDE6ZO3A
- If you would like to be officially involved, check https://projects.tib.eu/remo/ to know ReMO for instructions on how to join or ask Mayya
(Currently in construction)
Policy briefs for different countries
- national background brief - is a relatively short document, collecting the background evidence on a specific topic for a particular country.
- policy brief - is a brief "kind of report" document, written for non-expert audience, containing evidence AND recommendations for policy, in comparison to the national backgroud brief it is action-oriented.
ReMO COST actions Researcher Mental Health Observatory
Dr. Mayya Sundukova holds a virtual mobility grant from the ReMO COST actions with following goals:
- to develop the template for writing national background briefs - how is the situation with mental health of researchers in the academic sector in different countries, which interventions and policies exist and how is it poossibly linked with the structure of academic system-career-funding in this particular country
- to coordinate writing the country/ policy briefs by and with the ReMO network participants and beyond
Questions from the template for country briefs were included in the booklet of exercises (by School organizer Stephanie Gauttier) to be filled during the school by participants: https://zenodo.org/record/6718701#.YsSH3FXP23A
Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TakNIDPsMTBoFSC-ETv01nWNUfE72gOx9ze_k0NYqeI/edit?usp=sharing
- Having at hand the national background brief and/or policy brief is essential for the ReMO ambassador.
https://www.zotero.org/groups/2521493/researcher_mental_health/library Built and coordinated by virtual mobility grant holder Milica Vukelic and now maintained by the community