This is a maintained fork of LinoriaLib. This is not the original LinoriaLib repository.
Changelogs: Changelogs
A Roblox UI library inspired by Splix, BBot and many others.
- Tabs, group boxes, and tab boxes
- Almost any UI element you would ever need (toggles, sliders, dropdowns, etc)
- Interface automatically becomes scrollable whenever there are too many UI elements
- Dependency boxes, allowing you to easily hide/show UI elements depending on the state of other UI elements
- Inori: Main developer.
- Wally: Cleaning up verbose code, extending library functionality.
- mstudio45: Extending library functionality and adding resizing to the menu.
- Stefanuk: Extending library functionality.
- matas3535: Creator of Splix.
- RectangularObject: Fixing UI bugs, extending library functionality.