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continue day 20 progress, installing conduino
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mstksg committed Dec 21, 2023
1 parent 87a5be7 commit e2ea662
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Showing 4 changed files with 114 additions and 54 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion aoc2023.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ common common-options
, bitvec
, bytestring
, comonad
, conduino
, conduino >= 0.2.3
, constraints
, constraints-extras < 0.4
, containers
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

-- only until haskell.nix pulls in v0.2.4.0
type: git
tag: 6ab29555b108cb16ebf18117fad26ae40bb983cf
--sha256: 107w82zk65bvj3k2x6fjwiig98105rfh30qrp71x2m61mqvkdnlk
61 changes: 39 additions & 22 deletions flake.lock

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96 changes: 65 additions & 31 deletions src/AOC/Challenge/Day20.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,13 +23,18 @@
module AOC.Challenge.Day20
( day20a,

import AOC.Prelude
import Data.Bitraversable
import qualified Data.Conduino as C
import qualified Data.Conduino.Combinators as C
import qualified Data.Conduino.Lift as C
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
Expand All @@ -39,11 +44,11 @@ import qualified Data.List.PointedList as PL
import qualified Data.List.PointedList.Circular as PLC
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.OrdPSQ as PSQ
import qualified Data.Tuple.Strict as STup
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tuple.Strict (T2 (..))
import qualified Data.Tuple.Strict as STup
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Linear as L
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,52 +154,81 @@ stepPulse MC {..} = C.awaitForever \Pulse {..} -> case M.lookup pDest mcModules
for_ mdForward \q -> C.yield $ Pulse q p
Nothing -> pure ()

pushButton :: MonadState ModuleState m => ModuleConfig -> C.Pipe i Pulse () m ()
pushButton mc@MC{..} = C.feedbackPipeEither $
C.concatMap button
C..| stepPulse mc
pushButton :: (MonadState ModuleState m) => ModuleConfig -> C.Pipe i Pulse () m ()
pushButton mc@MC {..} =
C.feedbackPipeEither $
C.concatMap button
C..| stepPulse mc
button = \case
Left _ -> (`Pulse` Low) <$> toList mcBroadcast
Right x -> [x]

runModules :: Int -> ModuleConfig -> Int
runModules n0 mc@MC{..} = evalState (C.runPipe p) (MS S.empty M.empty)
runModules n0 mc@MC {..} = C.runPipePure p
p :: C.Pipe i o u (State ModuleState) Int
p = C.replicate n0 ()
C..| pushButton mc
C..| (multTypes <$> C.foldMap countTypes)
p :: Monad m => C.Pipe i o u m Int
p =
C.replicate n0 ()
C..| C.runStateP (MS S.empty M.empty) (pushButton mc)
C..| (multTypes <$> C.foldMap countTypes)
countTypes :: Pulse -> STup.T2 (Sum Int) (Sum Int)
countTypes Pulse{..} = case pType of
countTypes Pulse {..} = case pType of
Low -> STup.T2 1 0
High -> STup.T2 0 1
multTypes :: STup.T2 (Sum Int) (Sum Int) -> Int
multTypes (STup.T2 (Sum x) (Sum y)) = (x + n0 * (1 + Seq.length mcBroadcast)) * y

-- evalState (go n0 0 0) (MS S.empty M.empty)
-- where
-- go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> State ModuleState Int
-- go n numLow numHigh
-- | n <= 0 = pure $ numLow * numHigh
-- go n !numLow !numHigh = do
-- (newLow, newHigh) <- pushButton mc
-- traceM =<< gets (latchStates mc)
-- go (n - 1) (numLow + newLow) (numHigh + newHigh)
firstEmissions :: ModuleConfig -> IO ()
firstEmissions mc@MC{..} = C.runPipe p
p :: C.Pipe i o u IO ()
p =
C.iterate (+1) (0 :: Int)
C..| C.passthrough (C.runStateP (MS S.empty M.empty) (pushButton mc)
C..| pDest
C..| C.filter (`S.member` conjunctions)
C..| C.mapAccum emitUnique S.empty
C..| C.concat)
C..| C.iterM print
C..| C.sinkNull
emitUnique :: String -> Set String -> (Set String, Maybe String)
emitUnique dest !seen
| dest `S.member` seen = (seen, Nothing)
| dest `S.notMember` seen = (S.insert dest seen, Just dest)
conjunctions :: Set String
conjunctions = M.keysSet $ M.filter ((== Conjuction) . mdType) mcModules

-- firstEmissions :: ModuleConfig -> Map String Int
-- firstEmissions mc = evalState (C.runPipe p) (MS S.empty M.empty)
-- where
-- p :: C.Pipe i o u (State ModuleState) Int
-- p =
-- C.replicate n0 ()
-- C..| pushButton mc
-- C..| (multTypes <$> C.foldMap countTypes)

-- where
-- go !numLow !numHigh = \case
-- Nothing ->
-- go (numLow + 1) numHigh (Just ((,Low) <$> mcBroadcast))
-- Just Seq.Empty -> pure (numLow, numHigh)
-- Just ((dest, pulseType) Seq.:<| queue) -> do
-- queue' <- stepPulse mc dest pulseType
-- let (numLow', numHigh') = case pulseType of
-- Low -> (numLow + 1, numHigh)
-- High -> (numLow, numHigh + 1)
-- go numLow' numHigh' (Just (queue <> queue'))
-- evalState (go n0 0 0) (MS S.empty M.empty)
-- where
-- go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> State ModuleState Int
-- go n numLow numHigh
-- | n <= 0 = pure $ numLow * numHigh
-- go n !numLow !numHigh = do
-- (newLow, newHigh) <- pushButton mc
-- traceM =<< gets (latchStates mc)
-- go (n - 1) (numLow + newLow) (numHigh + newHigh)

-- where
-- go !numLow !numHigh = \case
-- Nothing ->
-- go (numLow + 1) numHigh (Just ((,Low) <$> mcBroadcast))
-- Just Seq.Empty -> pure (numLow, numHigh)
-- Just ((dest, pulseType) Seq.:<| queue) -> do
-- queue' <- stepPulse mc dest pulseType
-- let (numLow', numHigh') = case pulseType of
-- Low -> (numLow + 1, numHigh)
-- High -> (numLow, numHigh + 1)
-- go numLow' numHigh' (Just (queue <> queue'))

-- stepPulse :: Monad m => ModuleConfig -> Pulse -> StateT ModuleState m (Seq Pulse)
-- stepPulse MC {..} Pulse{..} = case M.lookup pDest mcModules of
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