An easy way to manage Turkey addresses for Eloquent models in Laravel. Inspired by the following packages:
Require the package by running
composer require madonetr/laravel-addresses
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Madonetr\Addresses\AddressesServiceProvider"
This command will publish a config/addresses.php
and a migration file.
You can modify the default fields and their rules by changing both of these files.
After publishing you can run the migrations
php artisan migrate
You can use the HasAddresses
trait on any model.
namespace App\Models;
use Madonetr\Addresses\Traits\HasAddresses;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Post extends Model
use HasAddresses;
// ...
After doing this you can use the following methods.
$post = Post::first();
'label' => 'My address', // required
'type' => 'Individual', // defaults to: null
'name' => 'Mustafa Balci', // defaults to: null
'company' => 'Madonetr', // defaults to: null
'vat_id' => '12314123', // defaults to: null - integer
'vat_office' => 'Yalova Vergi Dairesi', // defaults to: null
'address' => 'Main Street', // defaults to: null
'postal_code' => '10001', // defaults to: null
'city' => 'Yalova', // defaults to: null
'state' => 'New Madonetr State', // defaults to: null
'country' => 'Turkey', // defaults to: null
'is_primary' => true, // defaults to: false
'is_billing' => false, // defaults to: false
'is_shipping' => false, // defaults to: false
$post = Post::first();
$address = $post->getPrimaryAddress();
$post->updateAddress($address, ['label' => 'My new address']);
$post = Post::first();
$address = $post->addresses()->first();
if ($post->deleteAddress($address)) {
//do something
$post = Post::first();
if ($post->hasAddresses()) {
//do something
use Madonetr\Addresses\Models\Address;
$post = Post::find();
$address = Address::first();
if ($post->hasAddress($address)) {
//do something
if ($post->hasAddress($address->id)) {
//do something
$addresses = Address::where('city', 'Yalova')->get();
if ($post->hasAddress($addresses)) {
//do something
$addresses = Address::where('state', 'New Madonetr State')->pluck('id')->toArray();
if ($post->hasAddress($addresses)) {
//do something
This will return true when one of the given addresses belongs to the model.
You can use the following methods to retrieve addresses and certain attributes.
$post = Post::first();
$primaryAddress = $post->getPrimaryAddress();
$post = Post::first();
$billingAddress = $post->getBillingAddress();
$post = Post::first();
$shippingAddress = $post->getShippingAddress();
$post = Post::first();
$labels = $post->getAddressLabels();
Licensed under MIT license.
Written by Mustafa Balci in Turkey.