This is JavaScript object like data format.
Supported data type is just same as JSON. But JSO notation, against JSON, is almost same as JavaScript.
- flex (lexical analyzer)
- bison (grammatival analyzer)
To create converter JSO to JSON or replace JSON with JSO in some place
JSON sometimes hard to apply for, for example, setting file at least to me. Beacause it does not allow comment, trailing comma and so on.
Since this format gives writer various way of writing and it can also include meta information as comment, this is impure data format.
For example, saving after loading JSO file by some program, in the future, may loose some kind of information, comment or format of number or something.
For the time being, this program can convert JSO formatted string into JSON.
You can build this program by following command
$ make
On Windows, MinGW environment is supposed.
macOS (Use clang, clang++)
$ make -f make_mac.mak
Linux (Use gcc, g++)
$ make -f make_linux.mak
Windows MinGW (Use gcc, g++)
> make -f make_mingw.mak
On macOS, Linux
$ cat jso_file | ./jso > json_file
On Windows
> type jso_file | ./jso > json_file
: Pretty format Enable$ cat jso_file | ./jso -p > json_file
Unlike JSON, JSO allows following notations.
3, // <-
"a": 1,
"b": 2,
"c": 3, // <-
'asdf': 'qwer'
a: 1
"a": 1, // This is inline style comment
* This is block type comment
"b": 2,
See LICENSE file.