This system provides CryptoMiniSat, an advanced incremental SAT solver. The system has 3
interfaces: command-line, C++ library and python. The command-line interface
takes a cnf as an
input in the DIMACS
format with the extension of XOR clauses. The C++ and python interface mimics this and also
allows for incremental use: assumptions and multiple solve
A C compatible wrapper is also provided.
When citing, always reference our SAT 2009 conference paper, bibtex record is here.
Everything that is needed to build by default is MIT licensed. If you specifically instruct the system it can build with Bliss, which are both GPL. However, by default CryptoMiniSat will not build with these.
Then, To build and install, run:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libgmp-dev
# not required but very useful
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
git clone
cd cadical
git checkout mate-only-libraries-1.8.0
cd ..
git clone
cd cadiback
git checkout mate
cd ..
git clone
cd cryptominisat
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Let's take the file:
p cnf 3 3
1 0
-2 0
-1 2 3 0
The file has 3 variables and 3 clauses, this is reflected in the header
p cnf 3 3
which gives the number of variables as the first number and the number of clauses as the second.
Every clause is ended by '0'. The clauses say: 1 must be True, 2
must be False, and either 1 has to be False, 2 has to be True or 3 has to be
True. The only solution to this problem is:
cryptominisat5 --verb 0 file.cnf
v 1 -2 3 0
Which means, that setting variable 1 True, variable 2 False and variable 3 True satisfies the set of constraints (clauses) in the CNF. If the file had contained:
p cnf 3 4
1 0
-2 0
-3 0
-1 2 3 0
Then there is no solution and the solver returns s UNSATISFIABLE
The python module works with both Python 3. Just execute:
pip3 install pycryptosat
You can then use it in incremental mode as:
>>> from pycryptosat import Solver
>>> s = Solver()
>>> s.add_clause([1])
>>> s.add_clause([-2])
>>> s.add_clause([-1, 2, 3])
>>> sat, solution = s.solve()
>>> print sat
>>> print solution
(None, True, False, True)
>>> sat, solution = s.solve([-3])
>> print sat
>>> sat, solution = s.solve()
>>> print sat
>>> s.add_clause([-3])
>>> sat, solution = s.solve()
>>> print sat
We can also try to assume any variable values for a single solver run:
>>> sat, solution = s.solve([-3])
>>> print sat
>>> print solution
>>> sat, solution = s.solve()
>>> print sat
>>> print solution
(None, True, False, True)
If you want to build the python module, you can do this:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-dev
git clone
python -m build
pip install dist/pycryptosat-*.whl
The library uses a variable numbering scheme that starts from 0. Since 0 cannot
be negated, the class Lit
is used as: Lit(variable_number, is_negated)
. As
such, the 1st CNF above would become:
#include <cryptominisat5/cryptominisat.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
using std::vector;
using namespace CMSat;
int main()
SATSolver solver;
vector<Lit> clause;
//Let's use 4 threads
//We need 3 variables. They will be: 0,1,2
//Variable numbers are always trivially increasing
//add "1 0"
clause.push_back(Lit(0, false));
//add "-2 0"
clause.push_back(Lit(1, true));
//add "-1 2 3 0"
clause.push_back(Lit(0, true));
clause.push_back(Lit(1, false));
clause.push_back(Lit(2, false));
lbool ret = solver.solve();
assert(ret == l_True);
<< "Solution is: "
<< solver.get_model()[0]
<< ", " << solver.get_model()[1]
<< ", " << solver.get_model()[2]
<< std::endl;
//assumes 3 = FALSE, no solutions left
vector<Lit> assumptions;
assumptions.push_back(Lit(2, true));
ret = solver.solve(&assumptions);
assert(ret == l_False);
//without assumptions we still have a solution
ret = solver.solve();
assert(ret == l_True);
//add "-3 0"
//No solutions left, UNSATISFIABLE returned
clause.push_back(Lit(2, true));
ret = solver.solve();
assert(ret == l_False);
return 0;
The library usage also allows for assumptions. We can add these lines just
before the return 0;
vector<Lit> assumptions;
assumptions.push_back(Lit(2, true));
lbool ret = solver.solve(&assumptions);
assert(ret == l_False);
lbool ret = solver.solve();
assert(ret == l_True);
Since we assume that variable 2 must be false, there is no solution. However, if we solve again, without the assumption, we get back the original solution. Assumptions allow us to assume certain literal values for a specific run but not all runs -- for all runs, we can simply add these assumptions as 1-long clauses.
To find multiple solutions to your problem, just run the solver in a loop and ban the previous solution found:
while(true) {
lbool ret = solver->solve();
if (ret != l_True) {
assert(ret == l_False);
//All solutions found.
//Use solution here. print it, for example.
//Banning found solution
vector<Lit> ban_solution;
for (uint32_t var = 0; var < solver->nVars(); var++) {
if (solver->get_model()[var] != l_Undef) {
Lit(var, (solver->get_model()[var] == l_True)? true : false));
The above loop will run as long as there are solutions. It is highly
suggested to only add into the new clause(bad_solutions
above) the
variables that are "important" or "main" to your problem. Variables that were
only used to translate the original problem into CNF should not be added.
This way, you will not get spurious solutions that don't differ in the main,
important variables.
To build the Rust bindings:
git clone
cd cryptominisat-rs
cargo build --release
cargo test
You can use it as per the README in that repository. To include CryptoMiniSat in your Rust project, add the dependency to your Cargo.toml
cryptominisat = { git = "", branch= "master" }
You can see an example project using CryptoMiniSat in Rust here.
If you wish to use CryptoMiniSat as a preprocessor, we encourage you to try out our model counting preprocessor, Arjun.
Since CryptoMiniSat 5.8, Gauss-Jordan elimination is compiled into the solver by default. However, it will turn off automatically in case the solver observes GJ not to perform too well. To use Gaussian elimination, provide a CNF with xors in it (either in CNF or XOR+CNF form) and either run with default setup, or, tune it to your heart's desire:
Gauss options:
--iterreduce arg (=1) Reduce iteratively the matrix that is updated.We
effectively are moving the start to the last
column updated
--maxmatrixrows arg (=3000) Set maximum no. of rows for gaussian matrix. Too
large matrixes should be discarded for reasons of
--autodisablegauss arg (=1) Automatically disable gauss when performing badly
--minmatrixrows arg (=5) Set minimum no. of rows for gaussian matrix.
Normally, too small matrixes are discarded for
reasons of efficiency
--savematrix arg (=2) Save matrix every Nth decision level
--maxnummatrixes arg (=3) Maximum number of matrixes to treat.
In particular, you may want to set --autodisablegauss 0
in case you are sure it'll help.
For testing you will need the GIT checkout and build as per:
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libboost-program-options-dev libsqlite3-dev
sudo apt-get install git python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-dev
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3 install lit
git clone
cd cryptominisat
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
make -j4
make test
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
Build for test as per above, then:
cd ../cryptominisat/scripts/fuzz/
Build and use instructions below. Please see the associated blog post for more information.
# prerequisites on a modern Debian/Ubuntu installation
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake git
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libsqlite3-dev
sudo apt-get install libboost-program-options-dev libboost-serialization-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install sklearn pandas numpy lit matplotlib
# build and install Louvain Communities
git clone
cd louvain-community
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j10
sudo make install
cd ../..
# build and install XGBoost
git clone
cd xgboost
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j10
sudo make install
cd ../..
# build and install LightGBM
git clone
cd LightGBM
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j10
sudo make install
cd ../..
# getting the code
git clone
cd cryptominisat
git checkout crystalball
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
ln -s ../scripts/crystal/* .
ln -s ../scripts/build_scripts/* .
# Let's get an unsatisfiable CNF
gunzip goldb-heqc-i10mul.cnf.gz
# Gather the data, denormalize, label,
# create the classifier, generate C++,
# and build the final SAT solver
./ goldb-heqc-i10mul.cnf
[...compilations and the full data pipeline...]
# let's use our newly built tool
./cryptominisat5 goldb-heqc-i10mul.cnf
[ ... ]
# Let's look at the data
cd goldb-heqc-i10mul.cnf-dir
sqlite3 mydata.db
sqlite> select count() from sum_cl_use;
The following arguments to cmake configure the generated build artifacts. To use, specify options prior to running make in a clean subdirectory: cmake <options> ..
-- statically linked library and binary.-DSTATS=<ON/OFF>
-- advanced statistics (slower). Needs louvain communities installed.-DENABLE_TESTING=<ON/OFF>
-- test suite support-DNOMPI=<ON/OFF>
-- without MPI support-DNOZLIB=<ON/OFF>
-- no gzip DIMACS input support-DLARGEMEM=<ON/OFF>
-- more memory available for clauses (but slower on most problems)-DIPASIR=<ON/OFF>
for IPASIR interface support
See src/ for details. This is an experimental feature.