A cross platform Bluetooth library. The goal is to have a simple library that implements the functionality required for the most common Bluetooth uses cases, i.e. reading from a heart rate monitor, or similar device.
Initial focus is on Bluetooth LE devices, but more general Bluetooth support may be added in the future.
- macOS (Objective-C and Swift) - Successfully tested with a heart rate monitor, cycling power meter, cycling cadence sensor, and cycling radar.
- iOS (Objective-C and Swift) - Successfully tested with a heart rate monitor, cycling power meter, cycling cadence sensor, and cycling radar.
- Windows (C/C++) - Currently in-progress
- Android (planned)
The interface basically consists of just two methods: start and stop, with feedback being provided via callback functions.
Objective C
- (void)start:(NSArray*)serviceIdsToScanFor
- (void)stop;
func startScanningForServices(serviceIdsToScanFor: Array<CBUUID>,
peripheralDiscoveredCallbacks: Array<(CBPeripheral, String) -> Bool>,
serviceCallbacks: Array<(CBPeripheral, CBUUID) -> Void>,
valueUpdatedCallbacks: Array<(CBPeripheral, CBUUID, Data) -> Void>,
peripheralDisconnectedCallbacks: Array<(CBPeripheral) -> Void>)
func stopScanning()
In progress
void start(const std::vector<GUID>& serviceIdsToScanFor,
peripheralDiscoveredCb peripheralCallback,
serviceEnumeratedCb serviceCallback,
valueUpdatedCb valueUpdatedCallback);
void wait();
void stop();
In development