Dark mode theme
Change theme
Available filters
Minimum SDK level 21
Kotlin based
Dynamic Theme - library, which allows you to easily implement custom color theming.
Coroutines for asynchronous work.
Flow to emit values from data layer reactively.
Koin for dependency injection.
Coil for loading images.
Compose - Modern Declarative UI style framework based on composable functions.
Material You Kit - Material 3 powerful UI components.
Room Constructs Database by providing an abstraction layer over SQLite to allow fluent database access.
Data Store - Store data asynchronously, consistently, and transactionally.
Lifecycle - Observe Android lifecycles and handle UI states upon the lifecycle changes.
Turbine - A small testing library for kotlinx.coroutines Flow.
Timber - A logger with a small, extensible API.
ksp: Kotlin Symbol Processing API.
- MVVM Architecture (Compose - ViewModel - Model)
- Repository Pattern
- This project use android modularization. You can find full graph FULLGRAPH
This project utilizes Kotlin Multiplatform to target Android, Desktop, and WebAssembly (WASM). Android has two build variants: GooglePlay and FossReliant. To build and run the project on each platform, follow the instructions below:
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Select the GooglePlay build variant.
- Connect an Android device or start an emulator.
- Run the
module. This will build an APK with Google Play dependencies and install it on your device or emulator.
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Select the FossReliant build variant.
- Connect an Android device or start an emulator.
- Run the
module. This will build an APK without Google Play dependencies, relying on FOSS alternatives, and install it on your device or emulator.
Run the following command to build the desktop application:
./gradlew app:run
This will run an executable file on your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
Run the following command to build the web application:
./gradlew wasmJsBrowserRun -t
This will start a development server that serves the web application. Open the provided URL in your browser to access the application.
Note: You may need to install Node.js and Yarn for the web build to work correctly.
This project offers releases for Android, Desktop, and Web. Below are instructions for releasing the application on each platform.
To release the GooglePlay variant, follow these steps:
Build the release APK using the following Gradle command:
./gradlew assembleGooglePlayRelease
Upload the signed APK to the Google Play Console.
To release the FossReliant variant, follow these steps:
Build the release APK using the following Gradle command:
./gradlew assembleFossReliantRelease
Distribute the APK through your preferred channels (e.g., GitHub Releases, F-Droid).
This project leverages Hydraulic Conveyor for packaging and distributing the Desktop application. Hydraulic Conveyor simplifies the creation of installers and distributable packages across various operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux).
Install hydraulic conveyor at Hydraulic
Build the release executable using the following Gradle command:
conveyor make app
- To create site for the all desktop platform
conveyor make site
To release the Web application, follow these steps:
Build the release version of the web application using the following Gradle command:
./gradlew wasmJsBrowserDistribution
Deploy the built files to your web server or hosting provider.
This project includes a comprehensive suite of JVM tests to ensure the correctness and reliability of the core logic and functionality. These tests are written using JvmTest and cover various aspects of the application, including:
- Unit tests: Verify the behavior of individual components and functions in isolation.
- Integration tests: Test the interaction between different modules or components of the system.
- Data layer tests: Validate data access, persistence, and retrieval operations.
- Business logic tests: Ensure the correct implementation of business rules and workflows.
Running Tests
To run the JVM tests, you can use the following Gradle command:
./gradlew jvmTest
Compose Screenshot Testing is an essential part of ensuring UI quality. A screenshot test captures an image of a Composable function or a section of your app's UI and compares it to a previously saved reference image, known as a "golden" or "baseline" image. This ensures that UI changes don't unintentionally introduce visual regressions.
Compose ScreenshotTest and Gradle Tasks
Compose screenshot testing can be seamlessly integrated with the Paparazzi library, providing automated image comparisons. Paparazzi offers the following useful Gradle tasks:
: Executes all screenshot tests, comparing captured images with the baseline images. This process helps detect any visual discrepancies introduced by code changes.updateFossReliantDebugScreenshotTest
: Generates new baseline images. Use this command after intentionally modifying the UI and manually verifying the correctness of the new visuals. The newly captured screenshots then become the new baseline for future comparisons.testFossReliantDebugScreenshotTest
: Creates comparison images highlighting the differences between failed tests and the baseline images. These images aid in pinpointing visual discrepancies, simplifying debugging efforts.
We utilize benchmarking tools to measure the performance of key operations in our application. This helps identify potential bottlenecks and areas for optimization. Benchmarks are focused on critical aspects, such as UI rendering, data processing, and network operations, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.
Baseline Profiles are integrated into our build process to enhance app startup time and reduce initial rendering latency. These profiles provide guidance to the Android Runtime (ART) for pre-compiling frequently used code paths, leading to faster loading times and improved overall performance.
./gradlew generateReleaseBaselineProfile
We leverage Compose Compiler Metrics to monitor and analyze the performance of our Compose UI. Metrics like recomposition counts and skippability rates help identify potential areas for optimization and ensure efficient UI rendering. This proactive approach ensures that our Compose UI remains performant and responsive as the application evolves.
./gradlew assembleDebug -PenableComposeCompilerMetrics=true -PenableComposeCompilerReports=true
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Hydraulic is distributed under the terms of the GNU License (Version 2.0). See the license for more information.