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chiajunshen edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the SHRDC Custom Frappe Docker wiki!

For ERPNext User

1. List of possible ERPNext docker setup

2. SHRDC Custom Frappe Docker

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Windows: Docker Desktop
    • Ubuntu: Docker Engine, Docker Compose
    • Mac: Docker Desktop
  2. Frappe Apps included:

    • ERPNext Version 12
    • Metabase Integration
    • Telegram Integration
    • Frepple Integration
    • Barcode SHRDC
    • Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) SHRDC
  3. For Windows & MacOS user, start from Section 3.

  4. For Ubuntu user, start from Section 4.

3. Pre-Setup: Windows/MacOS

  1. The setup guide is tested to work on Windows 10, Ubuntu 18.04 and macOS Mojave 10.14.6

  2. For Windows and MacOS, create a folder.

  3. Open a Powershell terminal, navigate to the newly created folder.

  4. Go to Section 5.

4. Pre-Setup: Ubuntu

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Create a user called frappe. (You can give a name of your preference to replace frappe)

  • sudo adduser frappe
  1. You may be promted to give a password for the newly created user frappe. Remember this password, you will need it for the next step.

  2. Log into the user frappe

  • su - frappe
  1. Create a folder called frappe_docker. Again, folder name is of your preference. Navigate into the new directory.
  • mkdir frappe_docker
  • cd frappe_docker
  1. Go to Section 5.

5. Setup

  1. Clone this repo.
  • git clone
  1. Navigate to the cloned folder and copy environment variables from the env-example file into .env file.
  • cd shrdc_custom_frappe_docker
  • cp env-example .env
  1. Start all the docker containers. Note: Replace <project_name> to your preference.
  • docker-compose -p <project_name> up -d
  • For example, docker-compose -p project1 up -d
  1. Monitor the site creation progress by logging the <project_name>_site-creator_1 container.
  • docker logs <project_name>_site-creator_1 -f
  • For example, docker logs project1_site-creator_1 -f
  • If you face no such container error, try with docker logs project1-site-creator-1 -f
  1. After the <project_name>_site-creator_1 container display Scheduler is disabled, you can open Google Chrome and access ERPNext via localhost:8000 or

Update Custom App

  1. Assumptions:
    1. You have a running instance of ERPNext in docker production container.
  2. How to update custom app


  1. Assumptions:
    1. You have a running instance of ERPNext in docker production container.
  2. Alternatives:
    1. Online Backup (Automatic)
    2. Local Backup (Manual)
    3. Local Backup (Automatic)


  1. Assumptions:
    1. You have your backup files on your pc (if you perform online backup, you can download the backup files onto your pc).
    2. You have a running instance of ERPNext in docker production container in which you want to restore with the backup files.
  2. Restore

For Developer

1. Introduction

  • Fork this repo to build your own image with ERPNext and list of custom Frappe apps.
  • Change nginx/Dockerfile and add required apps. Refer comments in the file.
  • Change worker/Dockerfile and add required apps.

Example file uses following apps:

2. Build images

Execute from root of app repo.

For nginx:

# For version-12
docker build --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=version-12 --build-arg=GITHUB_OWNER=<github-username> -t custom-erpnext-nginx:v12 nginx

# Example 1:
docker build --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=version-12 --build-arg=GITHUB_OWNER=chiajunshen -t custom-erpnext-nginx:version-12 nginx

# Example 2:
docker build --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=version-12 --build-arg=GITHUB_OWNER=msf4-0 -t custom-erpnext-nginx:version-12 nginx

For worker:

# For version-12
docker build --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=version-12 --build-arg=GITHUB_OWNER=<github-username> -t custom-erpnext-worker:version-12 worker

# Example 1:
docker build --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=version-12 --build-arg=GITHUB_OWNER=chiajunshen -t custom-erpnext-worker:version-12 worker

# Example 2:
docker build --build-arg=FRAPPE_BRANCH=version-12 --build-arg=GITHUB_OWNER=msf4-0 -t custom-erpnext-worker:version-12 worker

3. Push images to Docker Hub

  1. Steps to create a Docker Hub, and push images to it.
  2. Possible troubleshoot:
    1. When you face denied: requested access to the resource is denied when pushing images, run docker login and enter your credentials. Then push image again.

4. (Optional) Configure env-example

  1. You may need to change the DOCKER_USERNAME in env-example to the username of the Docker Hub account in which you have pushed your images to.
  2. Copy env-example into .env by running cp env-example .env.

5. Start up

  1. The following commands should be executed on the ~/some/path/shrdc_custom_frappe_docker directory
  2. docker-compose -p <project_name> up -d
  3. docker logs <project_name>_site-creator_1 -f
    1. If you got a no such container error, you may need to change to docker logs <project_name>-site-creator-1 -f
  4. After the site_creator container exited, open a browser, you can access ERPNext on localhost:8000.