This is a fork from
I added to the kanji-kyouiku.json
more information for German kanji learners.
The preprocessing code is written in Python. The following changes are made.
- Using the German meanings are added. See
function. - Using (downloaded to
) we translate radical meaning to German. The translation was done manually with The translation can be investigated inradical-translations.csv
. This is used to createkanji-kyouiku-de-radicals.json
. There are also radical kanjis added. Since some radicals changed in WaniKani, unused ones are sorted out. Seeradicals_check
function. - Since the Silkworm has missing data, it is removed from the dataset.
- The dataset is a dict. To sort it, it is converted to an array of dicts, see
. It is ordered by grade and kanji unicode. Seedict_to_array
function. - Mnemonic sentences are prepared and manually filled. The keys are
. It is written tokanji-kyouiku-de-radicals-array-mnemonics.json
. Seeprepare_mnemonics
function. - The
is the Work-In-Progress (WIP) file that is filled manually.
is used to copy it todocs
. - In
folder iskyouiku-de.html
which shows a table of the kanjis and mnemonics. - In
folder are image (*-img.jpg
) and kanji (*-kanji.jpg
, transparent*-kanji.png
) pairs to give a visual clue for those kanji which are radicals. Almost all images are generated (thanks to pollinations, deepai and craiyon), some are manually post-processed. There is now an option"has_radical_img": true
to enable the visual clue inkyouiku-de.html
. Using CSS, image and kanji are overlapped and blended in an animation. - The order given by the table in Kyōiku-Kanji is used to sort entries in
. Every entry has anorder_wiki
key. However, to introduce radicals before they are used in a kanji, some kanjis are sorted accordingly. For example, 弓 occurs before 弱. - With a crawl from jisho, furigana analysis on common words is performed, to inspect the reading distribution. For example, 村 is read in 3 common words as そん (60%) and in 2 common words as むら (40%).
- Completed entries are provieded as Anki cards (see section below).
- To learn real Japanese words (vocabulary) common words are crawled from jisho. They are translated to German with Wadoku. Only words which contain learned kanjis are selected in anki decks. They are collected in pack of 50: for every 50 learned kanjis more words are accessable. The words are sorted by frequency (using japanese subtitles word kanji frequency lists) to learn the most frequent words first. Sometimes the words use readings of kanjis that were not learned which is indicated with a reading score.
- In
are markdown files and resources which compile a German book (WIP) about learning Japanese (created using mdBook). It is published at
- 2024-08-12 Milestone: In
for the first grade Kyōiku-Kanji (80) all mnmemonics and inimg
all visual clues are completed. - 2024-10-05 Milestone: 200 kanjis done with mnmemonics and visual clues.
- 2024-11-24 Milestone: 300 Kanjis done with mnmemonics and visual clues.
- Some commit messages show the current progress.
Built Anki decks can be downloaded on the Lernmaterialien (learning material) page.
Um gute Merksätze für Lesungen zu schreiben, ist hier ein Leitfaden mit Empfehlungen zusammengefasst.
- Die Lesung sollte ein Prefix eines deutschen Wortes sein. Beispiel: Kamm (か).
- Ist ein Perfix nicht möglich, präferiere ein Postfix. Beispiel: Attacke (たけ).
- Wenn Prefix und Postfix nicht möglich sind, präferiere ein Infix. Beispiel: Medaillons (だい).
- Wenn Prefix, Postfix und Infix nicht möglich sind, erzeuge ein (erfundenes) Komposita. Beispiel: Embryokugel (りょく), Wasserhahnnahrung (はな).
- Wenn Prefix, Postfix, Infix und Komposita nicht möglich sind, erzeuge ein Satz mit mehreren Wörtern. Beispiel: Hai ja schikaniert (はやし).
- Gleiche Laute können bei der Verbindung von Wörtern genutzt werden. Beispiel: ich Chips (いち), muss Schicksal (むし).
- Das Merkwort sollte so kurz wie möglich sein. Beispiel: Sand (さん).
- Vermeide englische, japanische oder ungebräuchliche Wörter. Beispiel: engl. hatch (はち), jap. Shougun (しょう) oder ionisiert (よ) [Chemie Domäne].
- Bei lang gezogenen Vokalen in der Lesung möglichst auch ein Wort, das auch ein lang gezogenen Vokal hat. Beispiel: Kuh (くう).
- Bevorzuge Aussprache vor Aussehen. Beispiel: Fleißigjugend (きゅう), anstatt Fleißikyuugend (きゅう).
- Vermeide Wörter, die weiter gelesen eine andere Lesung ergeben könnten. Beispiel: Für も nimm nicht Mokka, da es auch die Lesung もか sein könnte.
- Vermeide Namen von Personen, Organisationen, Orten und anderen Entitäten. Beispiel: John (じょ).
- Der Merksatz sollte so kurz wie möglich sein.
- Die Merkwörter, die die Lesung enthalten, sollten am Satzende stehen.
Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.
Using data from kanji-kyouiku-de-radicals-array-mnemonics-wip.json
Anki decks are generated. They are published at Lernmaterialien as *.apkg
Instead of creating sub-decks for each grade, one deck named "Unterrichtsschriftzeichen" is created with all finished kanjis in them.
Two card types are available:
- Merksatz Karte - learn the meaning and reading of kanjis by mnemonic sentences.
- Merkbild Karte - learn the meaning and reading of kanjis by visual clues (meaning) and a mnemonic sentence (reading).
This way, meaning and reading(s) are learned together with one card.
For reading input there are two versions: hiragana or romaji. The latter proves to be useful when the learners do not have a Japanese input method. For multiple reading possibilities, a separator is used (by default space " "
An entry in kanji-kyouiku-de-radicals-array-mnemonics-wip.json
has the following structure:
"strokes": 3,
"grade": 1,
"freq": 97,
"jlpt_old": 4,
"jlpt_new": 5,
"meanings": [
"readings_on": [
"readings_kun": [
"wk_level": 1,
"wk_meanings": [
"wk_readings_on": [
"wk_readings_kun": [
"wk_radicals": [
"meanings_de": [
"wk_radicals_new": [
"wk_radicals_missing": [],
"wk_radicals_de": [
"wk_radicals_kanji": [
"kanji": "下",
"kanji_ord": 19979,
"is_radical": false,
"mnemonic_meaning_de": "Im <span class='radical' data-kanji='一'>Boden</span> <span class='radical_kanji'>(一)</span> steckt meine <span class='radical' data-kanji='ト'>Zehe</span> <span class='radical_kanji'>(ト)</span> und zeigt nach <span class='meaning' data-kanji='下'>unten</span> <span class='meaning_kanji_meaning'>(下)</span>.",
"mnemonic_meaning_de_done": true,
"mnemonic_reading_de": "Haare hängen nach <span class='meaning' data-kanji='下'>unten</span> <span class='meaning_kanji_reading'>(下)</span>, also mit <span class='reading onyomi' data-hiragana='か'>Ka</span>mm <span class='hiragana'>(か)</span> und <span class='reading onyomi' data-hiragana='げ'>Ge</span>l <span class='hiragana'>(げ)</span> stylen.",
"mnemonic_reading_de_done": true,
"order_wiki": 14,
"reading_dist": [
"reading": "した",
"count": 15,
"prop": 0.29
"reading": "か",
"count": 11,
"prop": 0.21
"reading": "げ",
"count": 11,
"prop": 0.21
"reading": "くだ",
"count": 7,
"prop": 0.13
"reading": "さ",
"count": 3,
"prop": 0.06
"reading": "しも",
"count": 2,
"prop": 0.04
"reading": "へた",
"count": 2,
"prop": 0.04
"reading": "お",
"count": 1,
"prop": 0.02
"order_wiki_radical_corrected": 16,
"grade_corrected": 1
Radical -> Meaning Mnmemonic
A German sentence that combines the radicals to form the meaning.
Im Boden (一) steckt meine Zehe (ト) und zeigt nach unten (下).
Meaning -> Reading Mnmemonic
A German sentence that uses markup annotation to emphasize how to read the kanji.
Haare hängen nach unten (下), also mit Kamm (か) und Gel (げ) stylen.