MQTT is lightweight, intuitive, and easy to use messaging protocol suitable for IoT applications and devices. Aside from the traditional request/response communication, MQTT protocol uses a paradigm known as publish/subscribe. Users (applications/devices) can publish or send data under certain topics. Similarly, other users can show interest in receiving updates and messages published on certain topic(s) by first subscribing. A topic is a meta-data and a short description of the communicated messages (e.g., Chicago weather, traffic updates), and users can subscribe to a wide range of topics. In Spring 2021, I am adapting a 300-level course to an honors credit, fulfilling one of the curriculum requirements of the Honors Program. To adapt a course, I am expanding on what I am learning for my Computer Networks class, under a faculty mentor, by exploring the work of the MQTT protocol to implement a user-friendly JavaScript-based dashboard for MQTT users. Using the dashboard, a user can subscribe to a topic or a set of topics, publish a message(s), subscribe to topic(s), and view the published messages in a suitable format. The developed dashboard allows different types of messages to be published and displayed, that include JSON/XML-based content, documents, and images. The dashboard is currently being hosted in Amazon Web Services, S3 buckets.
- Publish messages and files like text files, JSON, XML
- Pop-up notifications
- Logs
Understand that all MQTT broker message payloads are just byte arrays at the transport level.
==> create a array buffer
==> wrap and convert process the file as a byte array (Unit8Array)
==>publish the array to a topic
==> Second user recieves the byte array through Logs
==> Upon clicking download, byte array converted back to original file using library "download.js"
- Connect to any broker like hiveMQ
- Subscribes to topic(s)
- Unsubscribes to topic(s)
- Select multiple subscribed topics
- Publish messages and files like text files, JSON, XML
- Pop-up notifications
- Logs
- <script src=""</script>
- <script src=""></script>
- <script src="download.js"></script>
- HiveMQ,
- stackoverflow,
- Steve's Internet Guide,
- Thomas Laurenson,
- Eclipse Paho JavaScript Client,
- Download Library,
- Muhammad Bangash, Northeastern Illinois University, Department of Computer Science & Honors Program
- Professor Ahmed Khaled, Northeastern Illinois University, Department of Computer Science
Just include this file and License file to your project.
BSD 2-Clause License Copyright (c) 2021, mbangash1neiu