The restaurant maintains the catalog for the list of food and beverage items that it provides. Apart from providing food facility at their own premises, the restaurant takes orders online through their site. Orders on the phone are also entertained. The customer record is maintained so that premium customer can be awarded promotion codes.
- Login: User Will be able to Login the system using valid credentials
- Sign Up: User will be able to Register
- Order Food: User will be able to select the items he wanted to eat then check out the order.
- Order Tracking: Users will be able to track their orders.
- User Cart: Virtual cart for customers to pick desirable food items and pay.
- Promotion Codes: Providing promotion codes to premium customers and for advertisement purposes.
- Admin Interface: Panel for administrator to keep an eye on users and reserves.
- Revenue Calculation: Calculation of profit and loss over time for a specific interval of time.
- User data Management and Reserves: Admin page consisting of the panels to view available resources and information like profit or loss.
- Searching: Searching a specific dish from available menu.
- Sorting in Categories: Sorting dishes in categories like Continental, Chinese and Italian cuisines.
- Payment Methods: Customers will be able to select payment methods like Cash on Delivery and Credit Cards.
- Contact Us: Customers will get chat like functionalities with website admins.
Frontend: HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/ JavaScript Backend: ASP.NET MVC Database: SQLSERVER
This project is built in Visual Studio which is required in order to execute this project.