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Project : Movie App

Project Snapshot

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Project aims to create a Movie App.

Project Skeleton

009 - Movie App (folder)
├── public
│     └── index.html
├── src
│    ├── auth
│    │     └── firebase.js
│    ├── components
│    │     ├── FavComp.jsx
│    │     ├── MovieCard.jsx
│    │     ├── Switch.jsx
│    │     ├── VideoSection.jsx
│    │     └── Navbar.js
│    ├── context
│    │     └── AuthContext.js
│    │     └── MovieContext.js
│    ├── helpers
│    │     └── ToastNotify.js
│    ├── pages
│    │     ├── Login.jsx
│    │     ├── Register.jsx
│    │     ├── Main.jsx
│    │     ├── Favorites.jsx
│    │     └── MovieDetail.jsx
│    ├── router
│    │     └── AppRouter.jsx
│    │     └── PrivateRouter.jsx
│    ├── App.js
│    ├── index.js
│    └── index.css
├── package.json
├── .env
└── yarn.lock


Build a Movie App using ReactJS.

At the end of the project, following topics are to be covered;

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • JS

  • ReactJS

At the end of the project, I will be able to;

  • improve coding skills within HTML & CSS & JS & ReactJS.

  • use git commands (push, pull, commit, add etc.) and Github as Version Control System.