Universal shadcn/ui for React Native featuring a focused collection of components
Crafted with NativeWind v4 and accessibility in mind, react-native-reusables
is open source, offering a foundation for developing your own high-quality component library.
Get started with our π Docs or checkout the π web demo
Follow our documentation to get started with a template or with a manual configuration.
Browse our components and use the CLI to add the components to your project
This project includes only components built without third-party libraries or those that use @rn-primitives (universal radix-ui/primitives).
Only 14 out of the 50 shadcn/ui components are excluded from this library. However, you can use the following packages or repositories to build your own
- React Native Flash Calendar: An incredibly fast and flexible library to build calendars in React Native.
- Animated.ScrollView: An article explaining how to create a carousel using the ScrollView component.
- Victory Native: A charting library for React Native with a focus on performance and customization.
- Tanstack Table: Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids
- React Native DateTimePicker: React Native date & time picker component for iOS, Android and Windows
- Universal Bottom Sheet by adebayoileri: A bottom sheet component that combines Gorhom Bottom Sheet and Vaul for seamless and responsive experience across both mobile and web.
- React Hook Form: Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation.
- React Native ScrollView: A generic scrolling container that can host multiple components and views.
- Drawer navigation: A drawer navigation component that slides in from the side.
Sonner Native by gunnartorfis: An opinionated toast component for React Native. A port of @emilkowalski's sonner.
Burnt: Cross-platform toasts for React Native, powered by native elements. On Web, it wraps Sonner.
Explore community-created components and templates that extend the core library and fill in missing shadcn/ui elements. Contributions are welcome!
- RNR Base Bare by a0m0rajab: A simple app using Supabase as the backend, featuring sign-in/sign-up and profile functionality.
Fork this repo, then clone your fork on your machine.
Change directory into the cloned repo:
cd react-native-reusables
Install the dependencies (IMPORTANT: Must use pnpm):
pnpm i
From the root directory, start up desired app with the following commands:
- Showcase
- iOS:
pnpm dev:showcase
- Android:
pnpm dev:showcase:android
- Web:
pnpm dev:showcase:web
- iOS:
- Starter-base
- iOS:
pnpm dev:starter-base
- Android:
pnpm dev:starter-base:android
- Web:
pnpm dev:starter-base:web
- iOS:
- Docs:
pnpm dev:docs
Add and commit your changes
Make a pull request
These components are still available for use but are no longer recommended or actively supported by the developers. They can be used as inspiration or as a starting point for your own components.