A mobile application project developed for COMP3004 at Carleton University.
This Android app sends personal SMS's and Emails for its clients released based on triggers such as a future time chosen, a future location targetted, or a expected weather condition reached.
Developers(From A to Z [Last name]):
- Task: Back end(Database, Models, Services, Backend Utilities, Yahoo Weather API)
- Completion: Backend(Database, Models, Services, Backend Utilities, Backend portion of Weather interface (used Yahoo Weather API)), all documentation, scripts, promo video
- Language: Java/Kotlin
- Task: Entire front end
- Completion: Entire front end, except weather due to time, location was dropped as the backend implementation was incomplete, help with documentation where applicable
- Language: Kotlin
You may download it and run it locally on your machine as it is not released to the Play Store, however we have future considerations of publishing it under review.