Takes Money - entry for the Ludum Dare #44 game jame on the theme "Your life is currency". Not really a game, but you can PLAY NOW!
Didn't get anything done for the compo, but ended up submitting this "art game" for the jam (Take Money entry page). I was happy with how it turned out (though I think it might not have been well understood by fellow LD judges... ah well!).
I got to learn a bit of Inkscape, which was one of my goals. Also got to make a cellular automata too - my other goal. So, objectives complete!
- More dead states for trees (turn brown/black)
- Quickly kill off last trees (can get stuck)
- Make sure spreading logic dosn't go when not spreading
- Building anim - take a tick to build the building
- SPin up $ in UPdate instead of updating instatly in Tick
- make roads when concrete in a line
- make the world repeateable - no edges
- music becomes more cachophonous/intense towards end.
- could be turned into a game where you try to prevent spreading