An experimental plugin that evaluates and tangles code blocks in nvim-orgmode using babel itself.
It uses emacs
under the hood for perfect compatibility, but does not require
you to add anything extra to your init.el
- nvim-orgmode
- nvim-treesitter
- Neovim v0.9.0 or later
- A working
installation (does not require configuration)
dependencies = {
cmd = { "OrgExecute", "OrgTangle" },
opts = {
-- by default, none are enabled
langs = { "python", "lua", ... },
-- paths to emacs packages to additionally load
load_paths = {}
use {
requires = {
cmd = { "OrgExecute", "OrgTangle" },
opt = true,
config = function ()
-- by default, none are enabled
langs = { "python", "lua", ... },
-- paths to emacs packages to additionally load
load_paths = {}
All commands accept a !
to skip confirmation.
Evaluates every block in buffer.
See Working with Source Code in the org manual.
Evaluate every block in range.
Evaluate [name]
Tangles whole file.
See Extracting Source Code in the org manual.
Tangles all blocks in range. If the range is NOT %
, the tangled file will
likely only contain the contents of the last block, which is expected
Your emacs init.el
will not be sourced during execution of :OrgExecute
, so packages you install there wont be available.
However, orgmode-babel.nvim
allows us to specify extra load paths, so we can
make packages available that way.
As an example, lets add ob-mermaid for
mermaid functionality in orgmode-babel.nvim
We have two options to get the package. We could either create an
and install it through a package manager, which will likely
have a randomish name, or for the sake of simplicity and this being a neovim
plugin, we can simply manually clone the repo to a known location.
git clone ~/.../clone-location/ob-mermaid
opts = {
langs = { ..., "mermaid" }
load_paths = { "~/.../clone-location/ob-mermaid" }