Hola, I am "BayMax" a WhatsApp bot created by Mr Juice to do everything that is possible on WhatsApp based on WhatsApp Multi Device(MD) Support.
- After you getting the
then upload thecreds.json
folder. then you can deploy on your favourite platform.
- Edit your config details in your own repo like --
global.Owner = ["263780699988"];
global.OwnerNumber = ["263780699988"];
global.ownertag = ["263780699988"];
global.OwnerName = "Mr Juice";
global.BotName = "BayMax-MD";
- Termux
apt update
apt upgrade
pkg update && pkg upgrade
pkg install bash
pkg install libwebp
pkg install git -y
pkg install nodejs -y
pkg install ffmpeg -y
pkg install wget
pkg install imagemagick -y
git clone https://mrjuice01/BayMax-MD
cd BayMax-MD
npm i
npm start
- Command For 24/7
npm i -g forever && forever index.js && forever save && forever logs
Download ffmpeg
and set pathDownload wget
and set pathDownload Node JS
Download Git
Download Libwebp
> git clone https://mrjuice01/BayMax-MD.git
> cd BayMax-MD
> npm i
> npm start
Comment out/delete /* , */ the code form your Core.js in your own repo -- Core.js
Dm and Groups Autoreply/Bot chat
if (!isCmd && !m.isGroup){
const botreply = await axios.get(`http://api.brainshop.ai/get?bid=166512&key=5nz1Ha6nS9Zx1MfT&uid=[uid]&msg=[msg]=[${budy}]`)
txt = `${botreply.data.cnt}`
- This bot is not made by
WhatsApp Inc.
So misusing the bot mightban
yourWhatsApp account!
(Though your WhatsApp account can be unbanned only once.) - I am not responsible for banning your account.
- Use at your own risk by keeping this warning in mind.