This is a self-written 32-bit protected mode kernel for the x86 architecture, written as a pet project with the desire to explore and implement operating system principles in great detail.
The project is abandoned because I got bored of writing in C and decided to switch to Rust.
There is an actual Rust OS project among my repositories.
All you need to do is download bootablekernel.iso and run it in any virtual machine.
For example in qemu:
qemu-system-i386 bootablekernel.iso
To build the kernel you need to have:
- GCC Cross-Compiler for the i686-elf platform. It is better to build it yourself, but you can download a prebuilt cross-compiler here. Finally, you should have i686-elf-gcc in your system.
- GRUB. You should have the grub-mkrescue in your system because it is used to create a bootable .iso file.
- Optional. qemu. To easily run the kernel in a virtual machine.
git clone
Now you have .iso file that you can run in a virtual machine.
qemu-system-i386 bootablekernel.iso