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this repository contains a java client-library and a simple implementation of a client for the transcendental clipboard sync server, which shares your Clipboard across devices and supports not only text, but also images and other content.

The Client now mostly works but there may be quite some bugs which i have overlooked.

To let the client run, a running server is necessary, the server is provided in

Current Version: 0.8.0


  • Tests
  • One-Transmission-Text-Transfer (TEXT)
  • Maybe respect and use SendRetryPolicy (current policy: retry, even if the connection is lost for a short time)
  • An advanced client for the Tray
  • A client for android


  • Java 1.7 (openjdk or Oracle Java)

for building:

  • Gradle >=3.4 (older may also work, couldn't test it)

Build instructions:

To run the client you can either (1) run the client from source or (2) build a self-contained jar-file to run with java or (3) build a distribution package and run from that.

(1) Run the Client from Source

$ gradle run

This will use the default options, but you can supply commandline Options with the following way:

$ gradle run -PappArgs="['server:port', '--room', 'MySecretRoom']"

(2) Compile to .jar

$ gradle assemble

This will create two java archives in build/libs, transcendental-client-x.x.x.jar and transcendental-client-x.x.x-all.jar. The former contains only the compiled source code, the latter also contains all dependencies. For running, simply execute:

$ java -jar build/libs/transcendental-client-0.6.2-all.jar 

(3) Compile to the distribution binary

$ gradle distZip

This will create a zip file in build/distributions, which you can unpack wherever you like. You then have to run bin/transcendental-client (or bin/transcendental-client.bat on Windows)

/tmp/uyrcuyr/transcendental-client-0.6.2 $ bin/transcendental-client --help
Transcendental-SimpleClient v0.6.0
	a simple deamon-like Client for sharing the local Clipboard with other Devices.
Usage: transcendental-client [OPTIONS] [:]
  -h	--help	 	 outputs this help
  -v	--version	 	 outputs the version
  -s	--server	[:]	 specifies the server which distributes the data, default:localhost
  -p	--port		 specifies the server port, default:19192
  -r|-k	--password | --room | --key		 specifies the encryption keyword and at the same time the room*, default:RaumRaumRaumRaum

   (*) a room is the separation unit in which the server distributes the clipboard content, there can be multiple rooms on a server.


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