Stylus is a CSS pre-processor with a simple syntax and expressive dynamic behaviour. It allows for more compact stylesheets and helps reduce code duplication in CSS files.
With the stylus package installed, .styl
files in your application are
automatically compiled to CSS and the results are included in the client CSS.
This package also automatically provide source map in the development environment, so that you can read your original stylus file in the debugger tools of the browser.
If you want to @import
a file, give it the extension .import.styl
to prevent
Meteor from processing it independently.
This packages supports both relative and absolute @import
. Absolute @import
are relative to your root meteor application directory, you shouldn't precede
its path by /
Stylus 0.51.1
Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS. Curly braces and semicolons: optional.
Nib 1.1.0
Nib is a popular Stylus package that adds many helpful, basic, utility mixins.
Jeet 6.1.2
An advanced -- yet intuitive -- grid system. Very capable, and useful for laying out a page without cluttering up HTML with grid classes.
It's important to remember to include it in your styles, like so:
@import 'jeet'
Rupture 0.6.1
Simple media queries for Stylus. Must be imported before use.
Typographic 2.9.3
Quick and dirty responsive typography for the rest of us. Offers great selection of common font stacks, and several ways to apply them to your document. Must be imported before use.
Axis 0.3.2
A higher-level Stylus mixin library with lots of extra functionality. Be sure not to miss the normalize() mixin. Axis uses and imports Nib, so Nib has been removed from this package. This might not require an import statement.
Autoprefixer 0.6.0
An autoprefixer plugin for Stylus. Will also remove unnecessary prefixes if there is widespread browser support. It is automatic and does not need to be imported.
The package should be fully compatible with Meteor 0.9.
All of these packages should be compatible with each other. That said, there are not many tests at the moment. Feel free to PR any tests you think might be handy.
NOTE: This may not be compatible with other Meteor Stylus libraries. Please uninstall anything related to Stylus before running this, otherwise your application may fail with a fibers-related error.
Feel free to contact the author or submit a PR if these get terribly out-of- date, or if you have any suggestions for other packages to be included.
Basic tests for each module are provided. If you don't test in Chrome, you're gonna have a bad time.
To test, run:
meteor test-packages ./