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Debian/Ubuntu/Windows Settings for mqcmd196

sudoer test non-sudoer test

Supported OS

  • Debian 11 (bullseye)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 (focal fossa)
  • Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)


apt packages

sudo apt install ansible git


cd ~
git clone --recursive


When you are authorized to install packages with sudo

ansible-playbook setup_sudoer.yml -K 

If you want to execute specific task

ansible-playbook setup_sudoer.yml -K --tags emacs # e.g. emacs 

If you want to check full logs

ansible-playbook setup_sudoer.yml -K -vvv 

When you are not authorized to install packages with sudo

Limited dotfiles



Initial setup in sudoer emacs

  1. Execute copilot-login when copilot-mode is enabled
  2. On emacs, execute all-the-icons-install-fonts and nerd-icons-install-fonts

Manuals of functions and keybinds


C-; : Completion

C-u <n> : Repeat the next command n times. (n=4 by default)

C-u C-SPC : Back to the initial position when search

M-[ : Return to the beginning of the paragraph that precedes the point

M-] : Move to the end of the paragraph behind the point

M-h : Place a point and mark before or after the paragraph with the point or the paragraph following the point

lsp-workspace-restart : Reload lsp at current workspace. It is convenient after the build

reftex-toc : Show the table of contents for the current tex document


C-c p f : Find file in project


C-c v g : Magit status


C-c f r : Find recently opened file


This repository includes emacs-one-themes which is licensed under GPL-3.0. If you don't want to use it, you can use it under the BSD-3-Clause license.