pre-release quick project overview
The almighty YT algorithm suggested a 3D filament weighing solution to me recently, and as I have quite a few "almost empty" filament spools laying around I reached out to the maker. Unfortunately, no part of the suggested solution was open source so I decided to start my own open source solution. From a simple local solution with a tiny OLED display, the scope quickly escalated with (useful?) features such as MQTT read/write or RFID read/write. The planned feature list can be found on the projects page.
As of now, the SmartMass device connects to an MQTT broker via WiFi and posts events to the smartmass/<deviceid>
topic. The scale can be configured, calibrated and tared via MQTT using the documented payload in the ./payload
folder. It also supports reading (and writing) filament spool metadata on Mifare 1K S50 tags (they're available as stickers!) with an RFID-RC522 module.
- a 2kg / 3kg load cell
- an HX711 signal ampifier
- an 0.96" 128x64 OLED display
- an RFID-RC522 module
- an ESP32-WROOM / ESP8266
- PLA / PETG / ... to print the models
- Set up an MQTT broker (mosquitto, emqx, hive, ...) and create a user for the device
- Open the project with platformio, I'm using the platformio plugin in VSCode.
- copy
and fill in WiFi, MQTT and PIN information- TODO: add detailed guide for options
- build and upload the code