Pawnless layout counter counts all distinct layouts of a set of normal chess pieces on a chess board with given dimensions where none of the pieces is in a position to take any of the others. The colour of pieces does not matter and there are no pawns among the pieces. Also the counter treats pieces of the same kind as indistinguishable and does not count layouts that only differ in permutations of such pieces as distinct.
Starting with an empty board the counter yields a set of partial candidates for solutions by placing the next piece from the given set of pieces on the board at those cells where the piece does not attack the pieces already placed on the board and the latter do not attack the first. If it is possible the candidates are extended by adding such pieces, if not the algorithm backtracks.
To build the project you should install SBT. After you installed it type sbt "run --help"
in the
command line to see the synopsis of usage.