PluginLite makes is very easy to create a plugin project based on DSL. All that is needed is a text editor and the ability to zip or jar up directories.
- Copy directory, e.g., cp -r PluginLite MyPlugin
- Decide on a version number, e.g., 1.0
- Edit META-INF/plugin.xml (key, version, label) with the name and version of your plugin
- Edit dsl/promote.groovy to include your own DSL
- Zip up the directories only (dsl, META-INF, pages and any others you have added)
- Import plugin and promote
The PowerShell script createPlugin.ps1 can be used as an alternative to the instructions above. Edit dsl/promote.groovy to include your own DSL, then
ectool --server <your flow server> login <username>
.\createPlugin.ps1 <your plugin name> <version> <description>
This will change META-INF/plugin.xml to the values provided, create a jar file plugin from directories, upload and promote the plugin.
Promotion and Demotion logging information is written to both a property and a file:
- Property: plugin property sheet / ec_setup.log
- File: flow plugins directory / plugin name / ec_setup.log
The file dsl/demote.groovy is run when the plugin in demoted. Use this to clean up any properties, project or other objects that were created by promote.groovy.