I’m Matheus Müller, and here’s a snapshot of my current work and research:
- 🧪 Researching AI and machine learning applications in drug discovery and bioinformatics.
- 🎓 PhD candidate at LNCC/MCTI 🇧🇷.
- 💻 Data Scientist at InsilicAll.
- 📰 My publications.
Below are some of the projects I’ve been involved with. Feel free to check them out.
Scientific projects:
- See pinned repositories.
Web projects:
- Programa de Verão LNCC (https://verao.lncc.br/)
- XI Escola de Modelagem Molecular de Sistemas Biológicos (https://www.emmsb.lncc.br/)
- II Escola Latino-Americana de Bioinformática (https://www.elab.lncc.br)
- XVI Encontro Acadêmico de Modelagem Computacional (https://eamc.lncc.br/)
- Grupo de Modelagem Molecular de Sistemas Biológicos (https://www.gmmsb.lncc.br/)