A Plugin for moziloCMS 2.0
Generates a slideshow with multiple effects with images of a moziloCMS gallery.
To add (or update) a plugin in moziloCMS, go to the backend tab Plugins and click the item Manage Plugins. Here you can choose the plugin archive file (note that it has to be a ZIP file with exactly the same name the plugin has) and click Install. Now the coinSlider plugin is listed below and can be activated.
Installing a plugin manually requires FTP Access.
- Upload unpacked plugin folder into moziloCMS plugin directory:
- Set default permissions (chmod 777 for folders and 666 for files)
- Go to the backend tab Plugins and activate the now listed new coinSlider plugin
Inserts the coinSlider.
- Parameter
: The name of an existing gallery. A wrong name or no input leads to an error message. - Parameter
: Width of the slideshow in px (e.g. 600). - Parameter
: Height of the slideshow in px (e.g. 350). - Parameter
: Number of squares per width. - Parameter
: Number of squares per height. - Parameter
: The duration of a slide to show in ms (e.g. 4000) - Parameter
: The duration of a single square to show in ms (e.g. 100) - Parameter
: Opacity of description and navigation (a value between 0.0 and 1.0, e.g. 0.6). - Parameter
: Duration for description to appear in ms (e.g. 500). - Parameter
: Effect for slides change. Possible values arerandom
. - Parameter
: Show navigation. - Parameter
: Make slides clickable. - Parameter
: Pause on mouse hover.
This Plugin is distributed under GNU General Public License, Version 3 (see LICENSE) or, at your choice, any further version.
A detailed documentation and demo can be found here:
https://github.com/devmount-mozilo/coinSlider/wiki/Dokumentation [german]
This project is completely free to use. If you enjoy it and don't have the time to contribute, please consider donating via Paypal or sponsoring me to support further support and development. 💚