A Webmaker-configured version of the mozilla/nimble project. -- An in-browser version of Brackets.
- Node.js: v0.10+
- Clone the nimble.webmaker.org repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/mozilla/nimble.webmaker.org.git --recursive
- In your nimble.webmaker.org directory, install all of the necessary dependencies:
If you don't already have grunt-cli
and bower
installed globally, here is the console command using npm
$ sudo npm install grunt-cli -g
$ sudo npm install bower -g
Afterwards, install the npm modules -
$ npm install
- Copy the distributed environment file via command line, or manually using a code editor:
$ cp env.dist .env
- Run the MakeDrive server:
$ npm start
You will now have nimble.webmaker.org running on localhost via port 8003 - http://localhost:8003