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Release notes: sprint 23

peterflynn edited this page Apr 16, 2013 · 13 revisions

What's New in Sprint 23

Full change logs: brackets and brackets-shell

UI Changes

Toolbar - The white horizontal toolbar above the editor has been removed. Icons (such as the Live Preview lightning bolt) now appear in a vertical toolbar on the right. The current file name now appears in the window titlebar. This maximizes the vertical space available for viewing code. For more on the design direction Brackets is headed in, take look at this mockup.

API Changes

Code Hints - Code hint providers are now registered to a list of language IDs rather than a list of CodeMirror modes. For some languages (like HTML and CSS) these strings are the same; for others, you must update your code (e.g. for JavaScript, use "javascript" instead of "js").

Quick Open - The fileTypes member of Quick Open plugins (passed to QuickOpen.addQuickOpenPlugin()) is deprecated. Please migrate to languageIds instead. For some languages, the language id is the same as the file extension; for others, you must update the string.

Toolbar Layout - Although extensions that add new toolbar icons generally still work with the new toolbar, several potential incompatibilities may arise:

  • Dark colored icons may now be too hard to see
  • Icon placement differs (previously, earlier in the DOM order meant further to the right, away from the default Brackets icons; now it means closer to the top, closer to the default icons)
  • Extensions that add new horizontal toolbars need to be updated. Rather than inserting content inside or next to #main-toolbar, insert content above #editor-holder.
  • Resizer's forcepadding option has been replaced with forceLeft

New/Improved Extensibility APIs

Languages - File extensions can now contain a dot to support conventions like ".mustache.html" or "".

Known Issues

  • #3207: If you use a Sprint 21 or earlier build after using this build at least once, a few preferences such as Recent Projects may get reset. (You can back up your cache folder if you're concerned about this).
  • Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) by default will not allow Brackets to run since it's not digitally signed yet. To work around this, right click the Brackets app and choose Open. You only need to do that once -- afterward, launching Brackets the normal way will work also.
  • #2272: Windows Vista may not allow the Brackets installer to run (you may not see any error message). To work around this, right-click the installer file, choose Properties, and click the Unblock button.
  • Debug > Run Tests is disabled in the installer/DMG distributions of Brackets, because the unit test code is not included. To run unit tests, pull Brackets from GitHub instead.

Community contributions to Brackets

Contributions from the Brackets community

Contributions to CodeMirror:


Bugs fixed in Sprint 23

For details on the bugs addressed, please refer to closed sprint 23 bugs. A few of the fixed bugs might not be caught by this search query, however.

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