Show Firefox metrics and insights to help meeting release criteria.
Install Latest LTS Version: 10.15.2 (includes npm 6.4.1) Binaries, installers, and source tarballs are available at
To update your npm and install globally, type this into your terminal
npm install npm@latest -g
Verify node is installed, and see the version:
npm -v
yarn is a fast, reliable, and secure dependency management tool. You can now use yarn to install reason and manage its dependencies.
To install Yarn, it is best to consult the official documentation for your particular platform.
Install Yarn globally:
npm install -g yarn
Verify the install worked, and see the version installed:
yarn -v
If you want to inspect the code, or want to make changes: Fork this repository to your GitHub account, then clone and install:
git clone<YOUR_ACCOUNT>/firefox-health-dashboard.git
cd firefox-health-dashboard
yarn install
Start a local development server on port 5000.
yarn start
Any ESLint errors will pollute the console output during development. Many can be fixed with
yarn lint --fix
You can run the tests with
yarn test
Some tests use html templates for comparision. If you change the page structure, then you must update the template:
yarn test -u
If you want feedback on your pull request, but tests do not pass yet, you can push with --no-verify
git push --no-verify origin
yarn reset
to clear the local cache
This project uses Neutrino and the @neutrinojs/react preset. You can read about all features included in this preset in here.
- heartbeat icon by Creative Stall from the Noun Project