Tool produced during reverse engineering the DOS game "In Search of Dr.Riptide".
- load game DAT file
- display/play assets of DAT file:
- animated sprites (L)
- maps with entity indicators and special positions (M)
- images (PCX)
- game music using Adlib/CMF player by srtuss (CMF)
- sound fx (VOC)
- texts (TXT)
- display map palette inclusive palette rotation
- display tile set of a map
- list of all entities of a map
- list of all triggers/special positions of a map
- edit all assets (hex-editor) and save changes back to DAT
- export all raw assets to a directory
- export all/single sprites/images as animated GIF/PNG
The game and formats were reverse engineered by srtuss and movAX13h in february 2018. The map file format was reverse engineered by srtuss. Some information necessary for a remake of the game is hardcoded in the exe.
HexBox (.NET Forms Control)
Zoomable, background tiles, entities and triggers:
Palette with realtime display of palette rotation of a map (not animated in the screenshot):
Click through frames of a sprite animation, export to animated GIF or static PNG: