Replace words in a piece of text with a synonym (via Wordnik), and make some effort to retain the orginal formatting.
Convert text:
$ python -t 'The thesaurus makes you sound smarter'
The synonymicon mate you healthy smarter
Show the tokenization and part of speech tagging:
$ python -t 'The thesaurus makes you sound smarter' --show_tokens=true
[('The', 'DT'), ('thesaurus', 'NN'), ('makes', 'VBZ'), ('you', 'PRP'), ('sound', 'VBP'), ('smarter', 'NN')]
The thesaurus cause you healthy smarter
Load a text file:
$ python -f file-to-convert.txt
Use as a python class:
from synonymizer import Reword
print Reword().reword('The thesaurus makes you sound smarter')
# u'The synonymicon cause you strong smarter'