Hi there 👋, I'm Moucheg, a passionate Software Engineer dedicated to solving real-world problems through technology.
🕵️ Open to new job opportunities as a fullstack mobile/web app or blockchain engineer.
🌱 Always Learning
I'm always excited to learn new technologies and tools to solve complex problems efficiently. My adaptability allows me to quickly pick up whatever is needed for a project.
💻 Currently learning
- Flutter
- Solidity
- Smart contract development on Ethereum & Solana
🔭 I’m currently working on
- (Main) Mobile app that connects to Ble enabled devices, collects data and show various custom made charts
- (Side) A SaaS platform for companies that do on-site interventions and need to track clients, workforce, revenue...
💬 Ask me anything about Software Engineering, Startups, Korea or Trees
📫 How to reach me: - LinkedIn: Moucheg Mouradian
⚡ Fun fact: I can build a house 🏠 from scratch on my own. Oh and I really like trees 🌳