An application for counting students in photos, predicting their flow from data and assigning them to a set of classrooms.
Just run
pip install --upgrade .
Celephais depends on keras
, scikit-learn
, cplex
, pandas
(all packages are automatically installed).
Celephais takes its argument from command line, you can list them by
runnning celephais -h
usage: Celephais [-h] (--image IMAGE | --xml XML | --json JSON)
[--show | --ojson OJSON]
(--no-train | --predict-xml PREDICT_XML)
[--rooms-json ROOMS_JSON] [--print-score]
[--save-imgs SAVE_IMGS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--image IMAGE the image file or folder in which to detect faces
--xml XML the xml file or folder which contains required
--json JSON the json file which contains dataset for training
(--ojson and --show will have no effect)
--show show the detected faces in a window, otherwise just
prints the number
--ojson OJSON if specified, and if --xml is given, metadata are
saved with the given filename
--no-train exit before training the model
--predict-xml PREDICT_XML
the xml data (folder or file) of lessons to predict
--rooms-json ROOMS_JSON
the json containing the rooms in which classes will be
--print-score use a part of the dataset to calculate the score of
the net used for the prediction
--save-imgs SAVE_IMGS
the folder in which images with detected faces will be
saved as 'detected_ORIGINAL_FILENAME' (cannot be used
with --ojson)
If --xml
is specified, celephais
will look for xml files in the following form
<subject>Machine Learning</subject>
while --json
needs a list of dictionaries, for example
[{"day": "tuesday", "subject": "Calculus", "hour": 9, "students": 69} ...
expects the same of --xml
apart from the <photo>
needs a list of dictionaries containing the name of the
room and its capacity
[{"cap": 40, "name": "r00"} ...
This application takes its name after one of Lovecraft's tales, Celephais