To use these drivers with pico-sdk
, modify your CMakeLists.txt
set(TFT_DRIVER ili9225 CACHE STRING "TFT Driver")
target_link_libraries(your_target pico_tft ...)
If you do not have your board header file, create include/boards/myboard.h
and use it like this:
set(PICO_BOARD myboard)
Your header file may include the original board file, but it must define following:
/* Pins to use: */
#define TFT_CS_PIN 21
#define TFT_SCK_PIN 22
#define TFT_MOSI_PIN 23
#define TFT_RS_PIN 24
#define TFT_RST_PIN 25
/* SPI device that corresponds with those pins: */
#define TFT_SPI_DEV spi0
/* Maximum speed to use: */
#define TFT_BAUDRATE (64 * 1000 * 1000)
/* Swap axes, or perhaps flip them: */
#define TFT_SWAP_XY 1
#define TFT_FLIP_X 0
#define TFT_FLIP_Y 0
See include/tft.h
for interface.
- There is a basic 8×16 ready-to-use font embedded.
- Double buffering is in place to improve performance.
- 256 color palette is used to save space.